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#11068 Forest Saviors

 2 героев

 » Глава: Anisyaa
 » Заместитель: G_N_O_M

 » Протокол

Once upon a time, in the heart of a majestic and magical forest, where rare rays of sunlight pierced through the dense canopy only during the first minutes of sunrise, a lone warrior rested on the highest branch of an ancient tree. Clad in a tattered robe barely held together, with a long sword still stained with the blood of his enemies strapped to his back, Deamon tried to soak in as much sunlight as possible.

At first glance, he appeared defeated and soulless. But upon closer inspection, he was a sorrowful conqueror. His gauntlets lay torn beside the tree roots, and his breastplate was marred with bloody holes. His helmet was gone, and his right vambrace and left pauldron were missing. The rest of his armor was heavily damaged and caked with dirt and blood. However, his armor bore two marks that hinted at the warrior's royal origins: a dark blue phoenix and a miner's gold pan.

Deamon’s parents had passed away when he was just a child, leaving him with a mission to protect the forest from unwanted intruders. His father, Grant Goldfeather, a fine warrior and miner, had been named by the gods. Grant’s family was slaughtered before his eyes, forcing him to flee and seek a new home. Deamon never knew why the gnomes had killed his father's family, and he did not want to know. In a diary left by his father, Deamon learned of Grant's royal origins and the inheritance that had been lost or squandered long before his family's demise. The diary detailed how Grant had spent over three winters searching for a place to call home. Finally, after a long journey to the south, deep within the old woods, Grant met Luna Lovelymaiden, Deamon’s mother.

As the sun's rays began to fade, Deamon’s thoughts wandered back to the legacy left to him. Grant and Luna had imbued him with a sense of purpose and duty. The forest, a living entity of magic and mystery, depended on him. Deamon’s father had taught him the ways of the warrior and miner, while his mother had imparted the wisdom of the woods and the secrets of the ancient magic that coursed through its veins.

Deamon’s mind was heavy with memories and the burden of his mission. He looked out over the forest, its beauty and serenity a stark contrast to the chaos and violence that had marked his life. He remembered the day his parents had fallen, defending their home from a band of marauding intruders. It was on that day he had vowed to protect the forest with his life.

A rustle in the leaves below snapped Deamon back to the present. He scanned the forest floor, his keen eyes searching for the source of the disturbance. There, at the base of the tree, stood a figure cloaked in shadows. Deamon’s hand instinctively moved to the hilt of his sword, ready to defend his territory.

The figure stepped into a patch of sunlight, revealing a young woman with silver hair and eyes that shimmered like the stars. She wore a cloak of midnight blue, adorned with symbols that Deamon recognized as ancient runes of protection.

1.Не в игре Anisyaa 12  
2.Не в игре #7705G_N_O_M 19  
2007-2025, онлайн игры HeroesWM