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#2981 Ambassadors of a Foreign Land

 37 героев

 » Глава: Takesister

 » Глашатай: KillerHawk

 » Протокол

We are Ambassadors of a Foreign Land, representative of a distant empire. We offer asylum to all English-speakers that are visitors to this land of plenty as they recover from the war against the Dwarves.

We welcome all members from across the seas that wish to have a haven here in this new land for trade or for adventure, we also welcome any native of this lands that wish to know more about other lands, where glades bloom and Dragons dwell on the mountain ridges.

English will be used on the clan forum threads, in clan mail and in clan chat for ease of communication.

Membership cost is 1,500 gold. We have no tax. This one-time membership fee to register yourself with the Embassy. You must have a good command of English or a good understanding of English which you can work and improve from.

To register, transfer membership fee to Takesister with "Ambassador Membership" as the comment in the transfer. You'll receive an invitation shortly after. If you have been invited to the guild by another player, write "Invited to Ambassadors by XXX" instead so credit is given where it is due.

For more information about the Clan and the registration process, do not hesitate to contact Takesister or one of the Clan recruiters and ask your questions.


# 1 Respect all rules from the game. If you are not sure, use a translator or ask other players first.
# 2 Never go AFK. Don't join a battle you are not sure to play from start to finish.
# 3 Respect Battle Rules (AP Level, etc.) As defined by the player setting up the battle. If you are unsure of the battle description, kindly use a online translator to help you understand and not claim non-understanding as an excuse.
# 4 Play in a timely manner from beginning to end, no matter if you are winning or losing. Bring glory to the Clan

Thieves' Set rental at 2850 per battle - Qassai

10% repair for free - Fishsmell
50% repair for 40% - Takesister

Weapon Enchantment 3x6% - misaisagona
Armour Enchantment 3x8% - misaisagona
Jewel Enchantment 3x6% - misaisagona

Jewellery Enchantment 4 * 10% - Qassai - 350 back per element
Weapon Enchantment 4x10%% - Qassai - Enchanting Free
Represent the Embassy in the fortnightly survival tournaments and if you are the highest placed Clan member placed in the top 10% of your faction (thus only a clan member per faction per level), we will reward you with a gold prize equal to 1 / 10 what you get from the tournament as an incentive.

================================================== ================================================== =====

We are ambassadors of foreign lands, representatives of a distant empire. We offer a safe haven for all English-speaking characters who have visited this abundant land as soon as she recovered from the war against the Dwarfs.

We welcome all participants from all over the seas, who would like to have a refuge here, in this new land for trade or adventure, we also welcome all the natives of this land who would like to learn more about other lands, where the fields are blooming and the mountain ranges of dragons live :)

English will be used for the clan forum, clan to clan-mail and chat to facilitate communication.

__MEMBERSHIP (Joining the clan )______________________________________________________________________________________________

Membership costs 1,500 gold. We have no taxes. This one-time fee to register with the embassy. You should be able to be well managed with English or have a good understanding of English, over which you could work and improve.

To register - send the membership fee of character Takesister labeled "Ambassadorial membership" as a comment to the transfer. You will receive an invitation shortly thereafter. If you were invited into the guild of other players, then write "invited to the embassy - XXX", pointing to invite.

More information about the clan and the registration process, do not hesitate to ask Takesister or one of the recruiters of the clan, as well as ask questions.

__RULES (Rules )___________________________________________________________________________________________________

# 1 Compliance with all rules of the game. If you are unsure of anything - use a translator or ask the other players in the first place.
# 2 Do not merge and do not sleep in the fighting. Do not engage in battle, if you are not sure that will play from beginning to end.
# 3 Respect Martial applications (level of OA, etc.), as defined by the player who created the battle. If you are unsure about the description of the application, please use an online translator to help you understand it and not hide behind a non-understanding as an excuse.
# 4 play fair, from beginning to end, regardless of whether you win or lose. Bring glory to the clan.

__TOURNAMENT (Tournaments )_____________________________________________________________________________________________

Think of the Embassy in the ongoing bi-weekly tournaments for survival, and those of you who take a higher place among the top 10% of the faction (so only 1 member of the clan at a fraction at each level) - will receive a bonus of 1 / 10 of received at the tournament gold as a reward.

1.Не в игре Takesister 11 Founder and Cookie Mistress - 50% smith 
2.Не в игре Decrous 7  
3.Не в игре fishsmell 8 Clan Smith 10% 
4.Не в игре lukeman56789 6  
5.Не в игре #4201Qassai 12 .Com id: Korzika - Jewellery smith 4*10% Weaponsmith 4*10% 
6.Не в игре Sry 7  
7.Не в игре Alyne 6  
8.Не в игре DarwinAward 8  
9.Не в игре SONYcz 7  
10.Не в игре Sutech 8  
11.Не в игре StGeorgie 17 .COM Identity: Jorick 
12.Не в игре SIDERISKA 13  
13.Не в игре KelThusad 12  
14.Не в игре Kartana 6 .COM Identity: Thrax 
15.Не в игре QuadQ2 12  
16.Не в игре devilscry 11  
17.Не в игре misaisagona 8 .com ID = misaisagona, Weapon Enc 1%, Armour Enc 6% 
18.Не в игре TheGingerOne 6  
19.Не в игре binghuo 6  
20.Не в игре -GrifonHeart- 14  
21.Не в игре darkmathijs 6 .com id = darkmathijs 
22.Не в игре potassium 10  
23.Не в игре Croknight 12  
24.Не в игре Wizard-Arch 6  
25.Не в игре Nelikt 7  
26.Не в игре Antviolence 19  
27.Не в игре Zephyranna 10  
28.Не в игре MrHellRaiser 13  
29.Не в игре badang 8  
30.Не в игре MoonShadow 15  
31.Не в игре KillerHawk 15  
32.Не в игре DYADYA_STEPA 10  
33.Не в игре Ange_Noire 7  
34.Не в игре necro17 8  
35.Не в игре #2473komdosh 21  
36.Не в игре elven_arrow89 8  
37.Не в игре Herald74 16  
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