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#7112 Shadow Realms

 1 ãåðîåâ

 » Ãëàâà: Morak

 » Ïðîòîêîë

Every person has a shadow, but we are exceptions. We are the shadows, we are our own masters. We live in the other world, which is close, very close to yours. Our world is possible to enter only denying the light and making treaty with your own shadow… Yes, with the shadow… Have you ever noticed how distinctly one can see from the dark? Yes, I mean watching others who are living beyond our world and believing to be safe hiding in the light. They even don’t conjecture of being watched – we can’t be seen. Shadows, creeping everybody in your world are our servants, our agents. They are watching every your step, listening every your breath, reading every your thought. And even in the dark, we are still close to you.
You can ask whether it is possible to be so? Easily…

Our aim is maintenance of equilibrium, of balance in this world. We are neither evil nor good, but we are fair and honest.

Clan’s rules

I. General Positions
1. Clan’s leaders:
Clan’s head: Morak
Head’s assistant: Mairissa

Membership fee is 500 gold

II. Clan members’ rights:
1. Every one has a right to donate gold to the clan, but no one is obliged to do it.
2. You can always count on other member’s help
3. You can consider or ignore other members’ directions who are not clan’s leaders (the only exception is direction of game’ administrators relative to their liabilities)

III. Members’ obligations:
1. Follow clan’s rules, HeNdZy code, game’s rules and your own sense of rightness.

IV Admittance rules
1. You should be no less than 3 combat level
2. You should be agree with clan’s rules and HeNdZy code
3. If you are agree, right to clan’s leaders about your wish.
4. After receiving clan’s agreement transfer 500 gold as your membership fee.
5. Receive an invitation. You are welcome!

V. Conformance exceptions:
Only under the agreement with clan’s leaders.

HeNdZy code of honor: one to follow it will become The Great.

1. Be Noble, appreciate your Freedom and Honour above all, for they are given from birth.
2. Happiness is not money or mundane goods, but kind heart and unselfish intentions and thoughts. They are the only True aim of life.
3. Respect and appreciate life in all it’s visualizations and forms.
4. Don’t be afraid of death, whether your greatness is contained if fear’s defiance.
5. Respect your adversaries and don’t let yourself go to rudeness and boorishness.
6. Listen to your intuition – you are a Shadow now.
7. War cry “HeNdZy” in the beginning of every battle is a greeting to every participant of the fight despite of team’s membership.

1.Íå â èãðå Morak 6 (RUS) 
2007-2025, îíëàéí èãðû HeroesWM