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#7116 Lords: SQUALICUM

 43 героев

 » Глава: YELLAR

 » Вербовщик: Koskun
 » Летописец: Koskun
 » Глашатай: Koskun

 » Протокол

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YELLAR: Treasurer, Recruiter, Chronicler, Herald, Leader
Koskun: Treasurer, Recruiter, Chronicler, Herald, Co-Leader

*******************************>>>Clan History<<<****************************************

"Our clan has its origins in the dark and dismal days of Lord Ironfist. Times were tough, and rogues and bandits roamed the land like packs of vicious wolves. A well armed hero had little chance to make it from town to town, much less a lone traveler. Something had to be done to ensure the safe travel between towns and villages, and thus our Clan was born. They began to meet secretly in the forests outside of the town Gateway, which was a bustling economic hub at the time. A few peasants, armed with little more than pitchforks began training with a few of their elven counterparts . It was soon that a small band of protectors was born, with enough might to finally clear the roads around the town to allow for the safe passage of ordinary citizens. As the kings armys fought their battle, our Clan continued to serve the good of the people. Many kings have come and gone since, however the secret meetings continue deep in the forest. During the third era, we took on our new name which means "Protector" in the tongue of the Dark Elves. No man or women is shunned based upon their beliefs or the types of gods they may worship, as long as they continue to protect the people in times of need. Our members have gone from peasents and farmers, to a band of elite heroes who place the needs of others before the needs of themself. Anyone of combat level 3 or greater, and a big heart may begin to learn the secrets of our ways for a mere 1000 gold pieces."


1) Do not violate the general rules of Heroeswm.com.
2) After any serious violations - you will be expelled from the clan.
3) No abusing bugs or other players.
4) Leaders can agree to have anyone removed who is not acting in the spirit of the game.
5) All blocked charcters will be removed from the clan.

***********************************>>>Clan Costs<<<****************************************

Clan Entrane Fee: 1000 coins (gold).
Clans Tax System: No Tax system
Donations are welcomed!

***********************************>>>Clan Benefit<<<***************************************

-You can rent artifacts of your choice (talk to YELLAR)
-You can barrow money from the clan account
-You can get your broken items fixed by the Clan Smithers.

*****************>>>Clan Item Repair Smith (BlackSmith)<<<***************


YELLAR: Repairs at 40% efficiency. Cost is 70% from repair cost and YELLAR pays the rest (30%).
Novikk: Repairs at 20% efficiency. Talk to Novikk about his current price.
Koskun: Repairs at 20% efficiency. Talk to Koskun about his current price.

YELLAR and Novikk has already started clan smithing service, so that way it will be cheaper to pay and get your item repaired by YELLAR and Novikk instead of selling the broken item and buying a new one, which most people do. We started this blacksmith service to raise level and and so it would be beneficial to clan members.
If anyone wishes to help our clan to raise the clan smithing guild, send broken items to either of us and YELLAR or Novikk will repair the item depending on our effeciency level.
The clan will grow bigger and better in this service and the efficiency will get better after the clan smithing levels grow.
Clan mates please help our clan smithing (blacksmith) grow, we garantee it will get useful and beneficial when reaches higher smithing (blacksmith) level.

---How to send???---
Send the artifact (not yet money) .. transaction prize .. 1 GOLD .. transfer with recall
in 1 day, 0 combats (allow repairing).Now SEPARATELY using the transter log send the actual gold for repair cost. Make sure when sending the money indicate that it is for repair in the transfer comment. say something like " for item repair"

********************************>>>Clan Item Enchanting<<<****************

--Vauriens Enchanting Service:
Weapong enchanting at 2%
Armor enchanting at 4%

***********************************>>>Clan Budget Spent On<<<*****************************

-Clan mate loans
-Events (tournaments)

Artifacts will be kept in YELLAR's inventory (Treasurer's inventory).
YELLAR will rent (lease) artifacts to clan mates with a rent price per each combat used.
If any clan mates are intrested in renting (uses) any artifacts than write a private mail to YELLAR and YELLAR will rent the artifact for as many combats you pay for.
The rent money will be transfered to the clan account. Rent prices for artifacts are cheap, approximately around 100-350 coins per combat.

Right now the clan has not bought any artifacts but soon will. If anyone needs to rent an artifact then the clan can purchase one for you to use.

********************************>>>Minimal Entry Requirements<<<****************************

1) Minimum combat lvl: 3.
2) Faction: any.


1. Lvl 3-4: Protector
2. Lvl 5-6: Master Protector
3. Lvl 7-8: Protector Lord
4. Lvl 9+ : Protector King or Queen

Tournament Information:
The time for our first InterClan tournament is upon us!! You will compete against your fellow clanmates of the same level, for great prizes!! In the first round, you will be randomly paired with your first opponent (which will be annouced in a following message). You will have 5 days from the day the pairings are announced to fight a duel with your opponent. Contact your partner via mail to set up a time to fight each other. If there are an odd number of people of your level, one person will be given an automatic win to the next round. The winners continue fighting, the losers are done until the next tournament. Any new clan members joining in the next week are free to participate, however after the conclusion of the first round, no more entries to the tournament are allowed. You are free to use Talents if you have them, however in an attempt to keep things fair, all fights will be WITHOUT artifacts. For any questions after pairings are released you can PM Koskun.

Lets have a peaceful and strong clan group! Everybody stay within the rules, help out other members, protect the innocent, and stay successful as a clan.

After six months of inactivity you will be ejected from the clan, however you may rejoin for the fee of 500 gold.

1.Не в игре YELLAR 8 Protector Lord (Clan Smither #1) 
2.Не в игре Koskun 9 Protector King (Clan Smither #3) 
3.Не в игре xinj 12 Protector King 
4.Не в игре Wickidd 8 Protector Lord 
5.Не в игре Lady DiMoNL 5 Master Protector 
6.Не в игре Lord ElvenKnight 16 Protector Lord 
7.Не в игре DragonZale 6 Master Protector 
8.Не в игре kachu200 8 Master Protector 
9.Не в игре Alfalfo 7 Protector Lord 
10.Не в игре tommieknocker 7 Protector Lord 
11.Не в игре Dzmitry 7 Master Protector 
12.Не в игре iceboykiller8 7 Master Protector 
13.Не в игре Sagittarius1981 9 Protector Lord 
14.Не в игре d3fianc3r 6 Master Protector 
15.Не в игре zenchen 7 Protector Lord 
16.Не в игре krylor 4 Protector 
17.Не в игре Lord Novikk 8 Protector Lord (Clan Smither #2) 
18.Не в игре Lady kandis 5 Master Protector 
19.Не в игре baroe 8 Protector Lord 
20.Не в игре cspker 9 Master Protector 
21.Не в игре Ivanxy 8 Protector Lord 
22.Не в игре vaurien 9 Protector Lord (Clan Enchanter # 2) 
23.Не в игре samuser12 5 Master Protector 
24.Не в игре left_eye 9 Proterctor Queen 
25.Не в игре ReIncarnate 6 Master Protector 
26.Не в игре dark_master5 6 Master Protector 
27.Не в игре TheBarbarian131 5 Master Protector 
28.Не в игре SPARTAN1 8 Protector Lord 
29.Не в игре warhero123 10 Protector King 
30.Не в игре kheng 13 Protector Queen 
31.Не в игре HALO_3 6 Master Protector 
32.Не в игре Dark_master3 4 Protector 
33.Не в игре Lord -disturbed- 5 Master Protector 
34.Не в игре DARKSAGE1331 6 Master Protector 
35.Не в игре killerofthenigh 7 Master Protector 
36.Не в игре Taz523 11 Protector Queen 
37.Не в игре spartan4 7 Protector Lord 
38.Не в игре snakeeater 5 Master Protector 
39.Не в игре ncncnc 11 Protector King 
40.Не в игре beamsaber 6 Master Protector 
41.Не в игре lilboy529 7 Master Protector 
42.Не в игре Fire-Starter 6 Master Protector 
43.Не в игре COOL-BOY7 8 Protector 
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