#7128 Protectors of Light 3 героев |  | 6,500 |
| » Глава: leemaths
» Сайт клана: http://protectorsoflight.l.makeforum.org » Протокол
| This clan was formed hundreds of years ago in a foreign land which darkness threatened to overwhelm it. This clan was formed by three champions of light, a wizard, a elf and a knight and recruited all of the good people that it could find in order to battle it. There was a great war of good verses evil in that land which raged for hundreds of years of which the side of good was the Protectors of Light. It was a evenly fought conflict and finally it was decided that the only way to end the war was for the three champions of good who founded the clan to fight the three champions of evil of the evil side and whoever won that fight would win the battle. The Protectors of Light convinced the evil side to this and the final fight began, of course the evil champions cheated and almost defeated the champions of light so the champions of light combined their strength and unleashed a devastating attack which killed the champions of evil. They had won, but the strain of the attack meant that they died moments after their victory. Most of the evil side surrendered, but some fled to the coast and went upon ships to find a new land to corrupt and conquer. The Protectors of Light sent a number of representatives to follow those who fled and to stop them. Now only the leader of the evil force remains who is hidden in this country so the newly appointed leader of the Protectors of Light sent his second in command to set up a branch of the clan in this country in order to find and stop the leader of the evil force.
Purpose of the Clan
The purpose of the clan is to protect the good peoples of all realms by eliminating all of the evil threats that plague this land, especially the leader of the great evil force that almost plagued the clans homeland in darkness.
The Plans of the Clan
The plans of the clan are to enrol as many good heroes as possible, and to train them so they can eliminate any evil threat and to find and eliminate the evil leader who fled to this land.
Entry Conditions of the Clan
Combat Level 3
500 gold for invitation
Must be alligned with good
Clan Rules
Follow the rules of the site
Weekly tax of:
100 gold levels3-4
200gold levels 5-6
300 gold levels 7-8 etc
payable to the leader Leemaths(This excludes clan members with roles such as leader, blacksmith, enchanter etc)payable on Mondays, This is to manage the Clan and to make sure you are active
Clan tax update format dd/mm/yy If I forget to write the date and who payed clan tax for the current monday please remind me.
For 24/11/08
For 01/12/08
For 08/12/08
Our own chat.
1. go into a chatroom.
2. i bottom right cornor is a dropdown-box. In that sellect channel 128
3. Press the >> to the right of dropdownbox, and you are in.
This is our own chatroom.
Full hunter set lease
To clan members leasing full hunter set ie 9 items for 500 gold for 1 fight, contact Leemaths to arrange this
Message Leemaths/Link for the charge of the repair
see xx2's profile
Weapon Modification
Message Leemaths/Link for the charge of the modification
see xx2's profile
Armour modification
Message Leemaths
see xx2's profile
Jewelry modification
Message Leemaths
Will hold tournaments when there are enough active clan members so try to recruit more members so I can arrange this, there will be prizes and a small entrence fee
All donations are welcome just transfer me the money with discription donation, all money will go to the clan bank and I will withdraw it when buying things for the clan like thief invite which will be free for people who reach a certain donation level.
Donation levels
1 1,000 1 free rent of hunter artifact set
2 3,000 2 free rents of hunter artifact set
3 6,000 3 free rents of hunter artifact set
4 10,000 1 free level 5 or less artifact repair from me
5 15,000 75% tournament entry fee
6 21,000 50% tournament entry fee
7 28,000 75% loan of clan theif invite
8 36,000 50% loan of clan theif invite
9 45,000 25% loan of clan theif invite
10 55,000 Free loan of clan theif invite
The higher the donation level the higher the priority for rental, enchantment and repair services by me.
Special Events
If you want the recruiters job have them put your name in the transfer of gold to me for their clan invite so if you get 10 people recruited you can become a recruiter
1. |  |  leemaths  | 6 | Leader, Enchanter and Founder | 2. |  |  denc  | 7 | | 3. |  |  XX2  | 9 | blacksmith, weaponsmith, armoursmith |