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#7146 Dominion of Ghost Bear

 10 героев

 » Глава: Lord Rizzo

 » Вербовщик: Lady Saph
 » Летописец: Lord Ganz
 » Глашатай: F4bz, Lady Saph, Lord Ganz

 » Протокол

***This clan is officially casual. We are simply a gathering of friends out to help each other. I have taken leadership of the clan to keep it alive despite the lack of members.*** ~Rizzo.

CLAN ENEMIES = none at the moment

invite cost 500, to cover the clan cost of the invite.

We are not doing any taxes at this time. Contributions to help clan members are done on members own time and dime to the other members. (IE: smithing)

We are a friendly, active clan looking for members and friends.

Affiliated clans:
-------------->#201 Haven for Angels
-------------->#186 Rivendale

---------------------------------- SMITHY and ENCHANTERS ------------------------------------------

we have several clan blacksmiths that have gone AWOL: (50%) F4bz, (20%) Saph,
However Spiritraider has stepped up and is at (30%) and will repair anything at 50% cost. Just shoot him an email with the item, transfer the item with 1g cost, 0.1 days, and X the repair button. Then transfer him the 50% cost of repair. He will then let you know when the item will be ready.

Armour enchanter (1x8%)(iron_eagle - gives 500 refund gold per % enchant)
Weapon enchanter (1x4%) (gurumao - gives 500 refund gold per % enchant) ***Ex-clan member***
Jewelry enchanter (1x6%) (Ganz - gives 500 refund gold per % enchant) ***AWOL***

Elements needed to enchant are listed on the enchanters descriptions... please acquire them on your own, or ask them how much to use theirs if they have some.

-------------------------------- CLAN STORE and ARMORY ---------------------------------

This section has been removed until a new system can be worked out. If EVER you need to rent an art for a single fight, please find myself, or one of the officers in the inquiry chat room, and send us a private message. Most of us have no problem renting out an art for 1 battle at a modest fee. EX: Hauberk, Defenders shield, Equilibrium blade, etc...


1.Не в игре F4bz 8 Clan smith 50%, 
2.Не в игре Lady Saph 7 Clan smith 20% 
3.Не в игре Lord Rizzo 10 New Leader and Hunter Extraordinaire 
4.Не в игре Cune 8  
5.Не в игре Lord Ganz 11 Jewel Enchanter 3% and Roulette Monster ; ) 
6.Не в игре Clair_de_Luna 6  
7.Не в игре Bloody_Emo 6  
8.Не в игре SpiritRaider 7 Tavern game addict! ;) 
9.Не в игре Azzykykr 6  
10.Не в игре eagames 6  
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