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#7166 The Throne

 3 героев

 » Глава: CruelSeraph

 » Сайт клана: http://z10.invisionfree.com/Throne/index.php?act=idx
 » Протокол

The Throne was formed to recover the lost empire. We will gain the ranks of barbarians and demons alike to combat the forces of nature itself. We will help provide the followers of The Throne with the right supplies and tools for war. They will have a clan to return to at the end of the day, with hearty welcomes, and tales of victory. But in return we will require that their armies fight to regain what was lost and put their lives on the line for the clan. We will hunt and battle to gain power and money to someday rebuild the empire to its rightful glory!

For the many followers of The Throne, there are many obstacles to overcome but lead to one common goal. The elves wish to purify the land of the wretch that has taken over the empire. The necromancers and other weavers of the dark arts, feel drained of most of their power, vanquishing the one who has stolen the empire by tyranny would grant them full power once again. Many of the gates to hell have been sealed by this tyrant and the demons must fight to keep them open.

Soon to come: Test your strength and valor in the field of battle. train with your allies in 1v1 duel for prizes and money!

As members of The Throne, we follow a code:
-No afking in battle
-No Whining
-Pay your tributes (tax) on time
-Role-Play is encouraged

The Throne's tribute scale:
1-3: 150
4: 200
5: 250
6: 350
7: 400

These are to be paid every monday to CruelSeraph/Graag-sluth starting on 9/15.
The tax will allow us to gain more members and eventually build the funds to get blacksmithing higher to repair people's gear and later on, enchant it. ( just added, we will also host tournaments, and the funds will also go to prize money, so chip in and make the pot bigger :D )

(if you have any suggestions or complaints please speak with one of our officers)

Black list: (this is for anyone you feel deservse to be blacklisted by the clan)
qwewqwe http://www.heroeswm.com/warlog.php?warid=3122583
wereGOD http://www.heroeswm.com/warlog.php?warid=3641412

1.Не в игре CruelSeraph 6  
2.Не в игре kiddocoo 6  
3.Не в игре Underdark 6  
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