#7172 Guardians Of Power 11 героев |  | 0 |
| » Глава: Lord_Of_Terror
» Вербовщик: Lord feelmypower, thebozz, Hell-King » Летописец: Lord feelmypower, Hell-King » Глашатай: Lord feelmypower, Hell-King
» Протокол
| <><><><><> Rules <><><><><>
1 : U must play by Lordswm rules.
2 : Tax payment(to pay on Sundays) = 500 gold weekly (now the clan is still small).
If u don't follow this rules u will be kicked of the clan.
<><><><><> Tournaments <><><><><>
Heroes, our first clan tournament will take place this next week!!! this tournament will be an enrollment tournament, though. The one who enrolls most will earn 5000 gold from the clan! But this means that you will have to work hard for it one weak straight.
<><><><><> TGI <><><><><>
1. Plutnik offers an invitation based on money, no thief art at all! Its just 25k for two weak, plus 2k for every day extra!
<><><><><> Crafting <><><><><>
Now our clan has a new option!
The jewel crafting, it's done by Yur4uk, our official jewel crafter!
Send him a PM, and he will give you all the information you need!
We also have an excellent weapon crafter, ru_medved! he offer 1,5k for every percent you enchant at him! This is the greatest offer you can wish for enchanting!
<><><><><> Elements <><><><><>
This new option means that all clan members can sell all their elements at yur4uk, he buys elements.
Only for this clan he buys the elements with 100 gold extra, for example toadstool 500+100 for clan members!
<><><><><> Donation <><><><><>
Donation are money given form clan member's to clan account. Donation will be used for tournaments prizes and other things like buying armor to rent for member's. For the donations there will be ranks the higher money u donate the higher rank u get.
Master rank : 100000+
Diamond rank : 50000+
Ruby rank : 30000+
Emerald rank : 20000+
Sapphire rank : 15000+
Gold rank : 10000+
Silver rank : 5000+
Bronze rank : 3000+
<><><><><> Repairing <><><><><>
Remember the artifact must be 0 durability and transfer it to china_blue99 will recall in 1 day repair allowed .
The new repairer is china_blue99 you must pay her 100% of the repair cost and she will repair you 80% of your artifacts. When you send the art and tell him you are from this clan, your art will be on top of his list.
<><><><><> Recruiting <><><><><>
Hi all there is a new thing in our clan if u recruit 5 or more people u will be a recruiter , so u recruiters will have special offers in repairing taxes and other cool stuff .
Go on recruiting and ge the offers .
The-Hero : 1 Recruited
<><><><><> Arts For Rent <><><><><>
Full hunter set; 2 gloves, hat, sword, shield, bow, boots, pedant, and shirt!
for more information contact anti_roulette, he is so nice to offer the set.
This is just for 700 gold per battle, contact anti_roulette for more information, he is the one
This are clan properties bought from clan treasury :
Great Hunter Knuckleduster : 450 gold/battle
Great Hunter Shield : 350 gold/battle
Great Hunter Boots : 400 gold/battle
Master Hunter Ring Of Flight : 200 gold/battle
Master Hunter Amulet : 450 gold/battle
Master Hunter Bow : 200 gold/battle
Master Hunter Boots : 200 gold/battle
Master Hunter Dagger : 150 gold/battle
Master Hunter Bone Helmet : 150 gold/battle
This are my properties bought from me :
Cape Of Winds : 125 gold/battle
Master Hunter Maskrobe : 200 gold/battle
Steel Boots : 125 gold/battle
Steel Curais : 125 gold/battle
Sword Of Might E5 : 350 gold/battle
Defender Shield : 75 gold/battle
Steel Blade : 50 gold/battle
Amulet Of Luck : 75 gold/battle
<><><><><> Arts Leasing <><><><><>
A new feature in our clan is added if u want to rent arts or stuff like full armors to other clan member's u can take only 80% of the leasing prfit the other 20% stays in clan treasure .