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#7182 Faction_Heroes

 14 героев

 » Глава: ilykeke

 » Вербовщик: tonytlive09

 » Сайт клана: http://www.heroeswm.com/clan_info.php?id=182
 » Протокол

In the midst of war and chaos heroes of different factions unite to begin an end to this troublesome time, will you be among these great HEROS? Every faction needs a hero...ARE YOU one of THEM?! Join "Faction_Heroes" now...and u may BE!!!!!!!

"Faction_Heroes"...Power, Wealth and Dominance. Join us, join the revolution!
--------Update and Features-------------
Hit List
!!!Clan News!!!
-Any ideas made by the members will recieve 5oo gold if it is approved thx
This is the clan:
~where all Heroes of each Faction comes to believe
~that happily welcomes all warriors who want to become heroes of there faction
~that was formed for heroes to meet other heroes and enjoy the game together
~that works together by:
-doing hunts
-group battles
-and help each other when we can
~that is very strict to AFKers so no AFK if someone reports u it is a 5oo gold fine
~where we save others by helping warriors to become Heroes!
---------------------To Enter Faction Heroes---------------------
(5oo gold for invitation + 250 gold for donation=750 gold for entrance)
-Send 750 gold to ilykeke or Selth and message me or him to let us no that you have sent gold
After I confirm your entrance fee go to your character home page, look to the right hand column, the invitation link will be under "About Game" link
~All Donation/Contribution will be saved and put in the clans fund they will be used for tournament, arts and other things that has to do with the clan to help support and benefit it thx~
The donation ranks are as followed:
5ooo gold or 2 arts and 1 element-member
10ooo gold or 4 arts, 1 element and 10 type of material-recieve random art-soldier
30ooo gold or 7 arts, 2 elements and 25 types of material-all of the above plus recieve random art and art from master hunter set-warrior
50ooo gold or 10 arts, 3 elements and 40 types of material-all of the above plus recieve weekly income-faction warrior
75ooo gold or 5 elements and 50 types of material-all of the above plus take money out of clan fund when ever desired plus treasurier status and free item set-hero
100ooo gold or 20 elements and 80 types of material-all of the above plus very special access-faction hero

(You have to be a soldier or above to rent money, borrow items or materials from the clan bank so start donating soon because you will never no when you will need money)
--------------Clan Bank--------------------
(You have to be a soldier or above to rent money from the clan bank so start donating soon because you will never no when you will need money)

Late Fees:
You have to return the money you borrowed within a certain time...there is 5% tax for everyday it is late

For Every 1ooo gold you borrow you have 1 day to return gold

If you want to be a soldier so u can start borrowing money send ilykeke 2000 gold or more and tell me in message how much gold you sent.

If you are more than 5 days late. taxes double
If you are more than 10 days late you will be kick out of the clan and black listed

(All Loans Will Be Posted Here)
---Positions and Jobs---
(All clan positions and jobs will be posted here)
We are currently looking for heroes for the jobs
All workers will recieve weekly bonuses and income
Enchanter:1.Commander 2.Iron_eagle
Repair Smith:1.Marked_One 2.F4bz 3.Jedismurf
Recruiter(Recruit 15 people): Selth
Chronicler(donate a full hunter and master hunter set):
Treasurer(donate 100ooo gold):
Herald(My Right Hand Man):Selth
Collecter(contact me for the job):
(More jobs comeing soon)
--------------------Recruiter Ranks------------------
1 recruit-Lucky Recruiter, 100 gold
3 recruits-Starter Recruiter, 300 gold
5 recruits- Smart Recruiter, 5oo gold
8 recruits- Great Recruiter, 8oo gold
10 recruits- Hero Recruiter, 1ooo gold
15 recruits or more-Faction Recruiter, 15oo gold(look below),
When You recruit a player do not forget to tell them to let me no that u recruited them to get your reward!!!

********Faction Recruiter-you must recruit atleast 15 people and donate 5ooo gold or donate 5 arts and then you will officially become a faction recruiter, get the recruiting job, and get paid weekly.
Go to Marked_One's profile for enchantment info
Go to Iron_eagle's profile for enchantment info

Hunter set: 7oo gold per battle

(we realise the price is steep but we make no profit off of these sets.They are here to help you, not us.)
This is all the sets we have available right now. please donate more items so that we can create more sets. ALL help is appriciated. thx
------black list---------------

1.Не в игре jedismurf 12 repair smith, 25oo gold donation 
2.Не в игре F4bz 8 repair smith 
3.Не в игре Salmira 7 750 gold donation 
4.Не в игре FARCRY 6 32oo gold donation 
5.Не в игре ilykeke 6 1460 gold donation 
6.Не в игре Yakusa88 9  
7.Не в игре Evilsausage 7  
8.Не в игре tonytlive09 5 member 
9.Не в игре ritake 6  
10.Не в игре raymondke 6 5oo gold donation 
11.Не в игре Fusen 6  
12.Не в игре lachorn 5  
13.Не в игре Lord darkness 6  
14.Не в игре nimator 6  
2007-2025, онлайн игры HeroesWM