#7198 Netherworld 14 героев |  | 77,134 |
| » Глава: Deamonheart
» Вербовщик: kakiasmeni, Thornheart » Глашатай: kakiasmeni
» Протокол
| Netherworld, Necromantic realm of the Restless Dead, Forbidden school of all Dark Arts, and the inevitable final destination of every living soul.
Currently our goal is to bolster our ranks, grow and prosper as a clan and as a gaming community, so we're scouting for capable players that fit our criteria described in the recruitment section. We're also working hard in an effort to improve Smithing and Enchanting services for all of our members.
As always we're very interested in the upcoming clan wars, and as soon as we hear word from the game developers regarding their implementation, we will let you know in order to start preparations.
1 - Members must always follow the rules of the game as dictated by the game developers.
2 - Members must always be polite regardless of the circumstance or outcome of a battle.
3 - Members are requested to avoid going afk when participating in a battle with other players, unless it cannot be otherwise helped (Serious / Real life Issue).
__________________________________________S E R V I C E S_________________________________________
__________________________________________T H I E F _ G U I L D_____________________________________
• a TGI is now available for rent in our clan through our member Tzarlax. There are three available options to choose from;
1) 2000 gold per day prepaid for 15 days, upon the achievement of level 2 the TGI and one thief artifact is returned to Tzarlax. (artifact must be from the thief guild, not from the market, at full durability and the choise of which of the two artifacts is left on the player) For every day after 15 days the gold/day is raised to 3500 per day. If the clan member fails to return the TGI and artifact altogether in 30 days time he accepts a penalty of 400.000 gold and/or ban of his character.
2) 4000 gold per day prepaid for 15 days, upon the achievement of level 2 the TGI is returned to Tzarlax. (player keeps both artifacts) For every day after 15 days the gold/day is raised to 5500 per day. If the clan member fails to return the TGI altogether in 30 days time he accepts a penalty of 400.000 gold and/or ban of his character.
3) 1000 gold per day prepaid for 15 days, upon the achievement of level 2 the TGI and both thief artifacts are returned to Tzarlax. (artifacts must be from the thief guild, not from the market, and at full durability) For every day after 15 days the gold/day is raised to 2500 per day. If the clan member fails to return the TGI and artifacts altogether in 30 days time he accepts a penalty of 400.000 gold and/or ban of his character.
The clan will receive 25% of the gold for the 1st option, 20% of the gold for the 2nd option, and 30% of the gold for the 3rd option. In return the clan will compensate tzarlax with 100.000 gold in case a clan member fails to return the TGI in 30 days and gets banned. Clan members wanting to rent the TGI must be approved both by Tzarlax and Deamonheart.
UPDATE: We now have 2 TGI's in the clan! Our member Lobsterkid is also able to rent a thief guild's invitation. If you are interested, pm him for details.
____________________________________________E N C H A N T________________________________________
• **WEAPON ENCHANTING** of a good level is available; Kamaz, weapon enchanter level 5(hence 6% enchants) and Deamonheart, weapon enchanter level 3 (hence 4% enchanting), are offering enchanting services to clan members. Furthermore there is a huge(!) discount to clan members of at least initiate rank.
1200 gold are returned for each element used in the enchantment process, 600 from the clan and 600 from the enchanter.
f.e. 4% earth damage requires 4 toadstools and 4 meteorite shards, in which case you will have 9600 gold returned. The approximate value of these elements in the market would be 15000 gold which along with the 9600 gold return, effectively stands for more than 65% refund!
• **JEWEL ENCHANTING** of a decent level is finally available; Mansarda, jewel enchanter level 2 (hence 6% enchanting), is offering enchanting services to clan members. Furthermore there is a huge discount to clan members of at least initiate rank.
Just as above with weapon enchanting, 1200 gold are returned for each element used in the enchantment process, 600 from the clan and 600 from the enchanter. pm Mansarda with your requests
• **ARMOR ENCHANTING** of a decent level is finally available; Almer, armor enchanter level 2 (hence 6% enchanting), is offering enchanting services to clan members. Furthermore there is a huge discount to clan members of at least initiate rank.
Just as with the previous two enchanters, you will bereturned 1200 gold per element used in the process of enchanting, 600 from the clan and 600 from the enchanter. pm Almer with your requests
____________________________________________R E P A I R__________________________________________
Koenma & Mansarda & Kakiasmeni (30%) - - - - Kel-Thusad (20%)
• Item repair of 20% efficiency is available for a huge discount. The customer pays 30% of cost while the clan pays 50% and the rest 20% is covered by the respective smith. Send your items with [0 battles, 1 day, repairing allowed] to Kelthusad, along with the 30% fee (normal repair cost on item description * 0.3 ).
• Item repair of 30% efficiency is available for by Koenma, Mansarda and Kakiasmeni! The customer pays 50% of repair cost while the clan pays 40% and the rest 10% is covered by the respective smith. Send your items with [0 battles, 1 day, repairing allowed] to Koenma, Mansarda or Kakiasmeni along with the 50% fee (normal repair cost on item description * 0.5 ).
_______________________________________H U N T E R S E T S________________________________________
• Full hunter set is available for rent. The price is 800 gold per use, all 9 artifacts included. The set offers (apart from the individual artifact bonuses);
+20% damage to neutral creatures,
+3% initiative,
+1 to minimum and maximum damage of all hero's stacks.
-->To rent the set please pm Tzarlax.
• Full Master hunter set is available for rent. The price is 2500 gold per use, all 9 artifacts included. The set offers (apart from the individual artifact bonuses);
-->To rent the set please pm Deamonheart or Kospant if Deamonheart is not online.
+40% damage to neutral creatures,
+3% initiative,
+1 to minimum and maximum damage of all hero's stacks.
Clan Tax:
• Every member must pay a weekly tax of 200g/laborer level, which stands for 200 gold coins per every level he has attained in the Laborers' Guild. The gold collected from the taxes, will only be used to further improve services offered to members.
• Payday is every Sunday. All taxes are to be send to kospant along with an approriate note,
f.e. "Tax 28/8" so we can track them down easily.
Note by the GM: I have not given kospant evict rights because he tends to be a little overzealous and touchie with his tax-collecting duties... just make sure to pay your taxes in due time :P
For those still not understanding, let me make it more clear: BEWARE, OUR TAX COLLECTOR BITES!! :/
• We are on the lookout for mature players regardless of age or race, who have proven their ability to think, plan and act in a strategic manner and as part of a team.
• Recruits start off as trial members, and retain that rank for approximately one week in which during that period, they do not pay any taxes. After their Trial period is over the GM will decide along with the officers if the person in question is to be promoted to Initiate, or be removed from the clan.
• Currently, admission is possible through invitation only and involves a cost of 500g.
Clan Ranks:
Death Lord (GM)
Domain Lord (Officer)
Advocate (Assistant)
Thanatos (Elite Warrior)
Envoy (Veteran Member)
Cultist (Trusted member)
Initiate (Member)
On Trial (Trial member)
• We encourage all the members to join the clan chat: room #198 if possible, when they are online.
• Also members are highly encouraged to participate in clan group battles, which they can form after communicating with other online clan members of the same level, either by mail or chat. Doing this will ensure good teammates and no afkers. It is in the best interest of everyone.