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#7211 Underground Army

 15 героев

 » Глава: shadow1293

 » Вербовщик: TheOtherOne, Keepor
 » Глашатай: TheOtherOne

 » Протокол

We fight as lords that have lost everything. We fight in hope that one day we might regain what we have lost. We are the Underground Army! And one day we will resurface and take what we have lost and destroy those who have banished us!

The major idea of this clan is to gather enough heroes to do clan tournaments and be able to help lvl up the clan.

We have no taxes

our clan enchanter and repairer is Keepor pease contacy him if you need arts repaired or enchanter for the cost.

once we gather enough members(100+)we will have clan tournaments and the winners will get gold prizes and other prizes depending on the lvl.
you can contact our co-leader Theotherone for any thing including recruiting.

We have two leaders TheOtherOne is our second leader and if i am not here he will be our leader but i will let the clan know if i have to go for a while but he still is second in comand and any member can go to him for advice

1.Не в игре #10803shadow1293 13 Leader Of Celapaleis 
2.Не в игре TheOtherOne 9 One Of David Nassau's Four Generals,Swordsmen(3000) 
3.Не в игре Keepor 11 Clan Smith (60 %) & Enchanter,Treasurer, Ogre(4000) 
4.Не в игре #7279Eviltitan 13 Novice(0) 
5.Не в игре sanopo 7 Novice(0) 
6.Не в игре Ryssa 8 Novice(0) 
7.Не в игре loon 7 Novice(0) 
8.Не в игре statman11 6 Novice(0) 
9.Не в игре Kady 9 Novice(600) 
10.Не в игре wiz_kid 5 Apprentice(1000) 
11.Не в игре puddock 6 The One Who Resurrected His Fallen Warriors 
12.Не в игре #7153Lord hpsim 10 A Descender That Was Spirited Away To The Aelderwood 
13.Не в игре Wuha 6  
14.Не в игре Lord MightyBee 9  
15.Не в игре #3572JAMik 15  
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