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#7239 The Alliance

 8 героев

 » Глава: Lady Angel__

 » Протокол

The Alliance

- "Together Anything is Possible" -


1. Follow all game rules
2. Respect other players game description
3. Never afk
4. Respect all other clan members
5. Represent the clan with Honor
6. Have fun


Donations Determine Rank

1. Co-leader - Top Donator
2. Officer - 250,000
3. Lord - 100,000
4. Knight - 50,000
5. Warrior - 25,000
6. Soldier - 5,000
7. Recruit - 500
8. Nomad - 0


1. If you are level 6 or higher and wish to join this clan just talk to a recruiter and you will be instated at the rank of recruit.

2. There is a fee of 500 gold per level under 6 for all other players that wish to join.


1. Command Over the Officers
2. 25% of Victory Profit, 5% of All Profits, Vote on All Clan Issues
3. 20% of Victory Profit, 1% of All Profits, Message the Clan
4. 10% of Victory Profit, Become Recruiter
5. 5% of Victory Profit, Recieve Bonus for Performance
6. Participate in Clan Battles and Tournaments
7. Smith, Enchant, Rent Arts
8. Observe

1.Не в игре Lady Angel__ 6 Leader - 9500 
2.Не в игре #7279Eviltitan 13 Nomad - 0 
3.Не в игре Lordbond007 11 Nomad - 0 
4.Не в игре Lady weile 6 Nomad - 0 
5.Не в игре sanopo 7 Nomad - 0 
6.Не в игре MADMAXXX 8 Nomad - 0 
7.Не в игре Siriusjr 7 Nomad - 0 
8.Не в игре I_own_you_all 13 Recruit - 500 
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