Knights of Destruction is a German funclan
with friends from school, work and so on =)
Einladungen gibts bei mir
oder bei Norty (Chris)
gebuehr ist 500 und n zuschlag wer will =)
Gold wird verliehn bzw verschenkt für anlässe wie turniere, upgrades usw.
Smith sind Schlampa und Kibou
wenn ihr was zu reppen habt, an sie schicken
main clansmith ist schlampa
Ask Norty or me for invitation.
It will cost 500 gold (Invitation price)
##New ## Tax: 1000 gold every friday to Norty.
Its there to help each other for upgrades,thiefsguild and so on.
Donations are welcome!
The smiths are Kibou and Schlampa, so if you want to repair your items send them to them.
They need to push their skills.
The main smith is schlampa and will be pushed with our donations and gold from clanaccount.
current Thiefs:
Schlampa lvl 2
Asterix82 lvl 2
Perri7o lvl 2