#7244 FOREVER 17 героев |  | 1,000 |
| » Глава: LO7E
» Вербовщик: heat7ses, Lord se7en777 » Летописец: heat7ses, Lord se7en777 » Глашатай: heat7ses, Lord se7en777
» Сайт клана: http://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=40390 » Протокол
| --- Welcome from FOREVER clan ---
*FOREVER's Special*
- can get teamwork(Team mode)
- can get faster group battle without afk(no afk)
- can get funny battle by Rule(no art)
- can get Art-repair
- can get Modify Art
1 member - 1,000 gold
1 group - 2,500 gold(3 member)
***How to join***
For 1 member,send 1,000 gold to LO7E,this way you can get invitation to join clan.
For group, send 2,500 gold to LO7E and lord's nick who contain in your group.
1.teamwork(Team mode)
Clan limitations: # 244 (at your group side)
Team limitations: 3 Vs 3
Level limitations: same lvl
Team allocation: Optional
Decription: Team mode
Turn timer: 45s (need for think)
2.faster group battle without afk(no afk)
using clan limitations...(both side)
make same lvl mode...
Decription: no afk
If afk in that battle,Fed for that........
(If your computer have a lot of error and slow never join)
3.funny battle by Rule(no art)-for younger lvl 1 to 4-
never forget to made clan limitations...(both side)
Decription: no art
No art battle is good for skill and money.(no good for exp)
can get more exp uning by full art(for normal player)
(1)send art using that way( to LO7E)
Trascription cost - 1 gold
Click on Transfer with recall in: 2 days, 0 combats(NOT TO reserve disposal!!!)
click on "Allow Repair"
(2)send repair cost.(LO7E 25%)
5.Modify Art
In my clan,bedmouse can do Modify art 2x5% with 50% cost only.
send art using that way( to bedmouse)
Trascription cost - 1 gold
Click on Transfer with recall in: 2 days, 0 combats(NOT TO reserve disposal!!!)
click on "Allow Repair"
***Clan Active programs***
***Guide for all faction type***
***New system for 2010***
Master of (your faction)
steak - 25 match + MG skill 2 at least donate-300,000
steak - 30 match + TG skill 2 at least donate-500,000
steak - N/A +MG skill 4 at least donate-1,000,000
Note! If you can use all faction will be get (Master of PRO)
-New recruit System-
Every week,choose a person who like to recruit (msg to heat7ses on Sat-day)
In a week,
you wanna recruit 20 for donate 15,000 on sat-day.(can't change your mind in program)
30 for donate 19,000
40 for donate 23,000
50 for donate 27,000
60 for donate 31,000
70 for donate 35,500
can be recruit by yourself (freestyle)
Note! never give back if you can't recruit in time.(in one week)
Missing Nin(require hunting skill - 3)
Rank - E Max dmg - 200 donate 20,000
Rank - D Max dmg - 300 donate 50,000
Rank - C Max dmg - 600 donate 150,000
Rank - B Max dmg - 1200 donate 300,000
Rank - A Max dmg - 2000 donate 500,000
Rank - S* Max dmg - N/A donate 1,000,000
Note! If you can take max dmg with range unit can get "shooting star ?rank" (with another 30,000)
If you can take max dmg with melee unit can get "stone glove ?rank" (with another 30,000)
If you can take max dmg with Hero unit can get "cheerful ?rank" (with another 30,000)
-Rank D- Mission Nin Mission (all mission coming as soon)
What mean -Missing Nin-?
Hunting lover who alway help another clan member to complete their mission.
What mean -Moon hunter-?
Action battle player who support to Master at group battle.
+++Clan Rule+++
-Never forget game rule
-No pain No gain
-No allow to run ,still know sure to lose(why not never try your best)
-try to never lose yourself (believe in yourself)
(No walk in front of me
No need to walk behind of me
We walk side by side to our goal)
(all update will be complete 2010)