#7258 the sacred army 14 ãåðîåâ |  | 0 |
| » Ãëàâà: lozrockhopper
» Âåðáîâùèê: Lord Conquest, Krantos, Vallaria, joechelseafc » Ëåòîïèñåö: Lord Conquest » Ãëàøàòàé: Lord Conquest
» Ñàéò êëàíà: http://www.the-sacred-army.webs.com » Ïðîòîêîë
| We...We are.....We are the sacred army...We have the holy power on our side.....
We fight for our God.......We defend our divinity and that of others.....
You don't stand a chance..........
¤¤¤The Sacred Army is recruiting¤¤¤
Send 2000 gold to lozrockhopper or DiverseCity binghuo.
Your invitation will be sent when we get online.
When invite is sent go to Character Page-->Bottom right corner-->Accept
¤¤¤Donation System¤¤¤
50 gold = 1 point
Title...........Amount of Gold Required....Rewards
¤Sacred Dueler:........2 points........None
¤Sacred Recruit:.......10 points........None
¤Sacred Warrior:.......50 points.......1 Resource of your choice
¤Sacred Guardian:......100 points......Hunter Artifact
¤Sacred Gatekeeper:.......150 points......Leather Artifact
¤Angel of ____:.....200 points....Master Hunter Artifact
¤Archangel of ___:.......400 points..........Great Hunter Artifact
¤Custom Title..........800 points........None
¤Points awarded for donating arts(depends on the artifact).
¤Enchanter (lvl 2 per specific area or higher) only pays 550
¤Participation in clan events also awards a point.
¤A * means that you are participating in the clan event.
¤I am currently working on getting this clan some artifact sets.
¤¤¤Current sets¤¤¤
Full Hunter Set- Conquest
Hunter Broadsword
Hunter Glove x2
Hunter Hat
Hunter Pendent
Hunter Bow
Hunter Shield
Hunter Boots
Hunter Shirt
Set Bonus:+20% damage to neutral creatures,
+3% initiative,
+1 to minimum and maximum damage of all lord's stacks.
5+ Items:+(10-16)% damage to neutral creatures.
Total rent per battle: 500 gold
Rent per artifact: 60 gold, 40 gold for the broadsword
¤¤¤Full Master Hunter Set- DiverseCity¤¤¤
2x Master Hunter Ring of Flight
Master Hunter Armor
Master Hunter Boots
----Master Hunter JackBoots
Master Hunter Bone Helmet
Master Hunter Shield
----Master Hunter Quiver
Master Hunter Amulet
Master Hunter Bow
----Master Hunter maskrobe (pick between bow or robe)
Master Hunter Sword
Set Bonus:
+30% damage to neutral creatures,
+5% initiative,
+1 to minimum and maximum damage of all lord's stacks.
5+ Items:+(15-24)% damage to neutral creatures.
Total rent per battle: 1250 gold
Rent per artifact: 150 gold, 200 gold for the armor