#7294 Anti AP clan 68 героев |  | 5,000 |
| » Глава: I_own_you_all
» Вербовщик: grmblgrmpf, Lord Hallion91, Lord greatwizerd, cooldudexxx » Летописец: grmblgrmpf » Глашатай: grmblgrmpf
» Протокол
| This clans only purpose is to try to have the admins remove the AP-rule they introduced (they could introduce enough moneygain-ways aswell, or do any other changes that make up for the permanent moneyloss when you play this game as it was meant before).
Which is as follows:
Minimum Ammunition points required:
Combat level 5 – 5 AP
Combat level 6 – 6 AP
Combat level 7-8 – 8 AP
Combat level 9 and above – 9 AP
Entry fee is 500 gold, never taxes.
I would be pleased if you spread my intention and find additional members.
If you agree with me join this clan (which is more a list of people against AP-rule), maybe we all together can make this game a better one :)
Thanks for reading, and try to have fun in this game,
I own you all :)
LITWIN's Repairservice for members:
90% for 105% cost
Page with tutorial: http://lordswm.org/strony/eng/001-repair/index.html