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#7303 The 10th Club

 19 героев

 » Глава: IcyFire

 » Протокол

The 10th Club is a private club for Icyfire’s royal customers of armor enchanting.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Requirment ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1. After spending more than 100 elements in Icyfire’s smith, you can get an invitation for free
2. As a royal customer, you will use only Icyfire as your armor enchanter

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Benefit ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1. 10% discount in repairing on all of your arts (binghuo can repair 90%, and you pay 110% of repair cost)
2. Share enchanted arts with each other (Rent or Sell).
3. please let me know if you would like to add your enchanted arts information on our club page
4. More? Please let me know your suggestion. :p

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4*20% Armor Enchanting ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
4*20% Armor Enchanting from Icyfire:
Free of Charge (Any tips are welcome :p)
Art: Helmet, Armor, Boots or Shield

The elements needed:
Fire magic shield (20%): 30 Fire Crystal
Earth magic shield (20%): 30 Meteorite Shard
Air magic shield (20%): 30 Windflower
Water magic shield (20%): 30 Ice Crystal
Decrease attack of charging stack (10%): 30 Moonstone + 30 Abrasive

Elements required for other enchantment percentage:
Enchantment efficiency (%) -- 02 04 06 08 10 12 14 16 18 20
Number of element needed -- 01 02 04 06 09 12 15 19 24 30 (each)

The official thread about the new enchanting rules is here--
And the thread about upgrading enchanted arts--

Plz write me a message to confirm/remind/ask-questions.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Repair & Enchanting ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Repair Smith:
Icyfire repair 90% for 110% of cost

Weapon Enchanter:
GGW 4*10% FREE

Armor Enchanter:
Icyfire 4*20% FREE

Jewel Enchanter:
Aprilshower 4*20% FREE

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Renting ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Platemail [E7A7F7] 480
Steel boots [E7A7F7] 480
Steel cuirass [E7] 280
Locket of crystallized tears [A6F6] 700
Penumbral ring [A5F5] 650
Thief set with some enchanting 3800
More: http://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=53368

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sell ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Platemail [E7A7F7] [54/75]
Steel boots [E7A7F7] [12/70]
Steel cuirass [E7] [70/70]
Penumbral ring [A5F5] [30/49]
Locket of crystallized tears [A6F6] [28/49]

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Buy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Icyfire: buy all elements,thief arts, thief invitation

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Note ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
FM armor: Fullmithril armor
HM coif: Heavy mithril coif
HM boot: Heavy mithril boot
T Shield: Tower shield


===== MAX repair by Icyfire =====
Repair efficiency: 90% (Best)
Clanmate pays 110% of repairing cost

How to do?
1. find the repair fee here
2. transfer it to Icyfire, note "repair fee for ?"
3. transfer your art with recall in: 0.01 days, 0 combats and "Allow repair", 1 gold only.
4. Want your arts repaired faster? 10% more for express, and pm me with title "Express"

===== 4*20% Armor Enchanting by binghuo =====
Free, but any tips are appreciated :p
The elements needed:
Fire magic shield (20%): 30 Fire Crystal
Earth magic shield (20%): 30 Meteorite Shard
Air magic shield (20%): 30 Windflower
Water magic shield (20%): 30 Ice Crystal
Decrease attack of charging stack (10%): 30 Moonstone + 30 Abrasive

===== Icyfire's market =====
Icyfire is buying all elements, resources, and thief art(s).
Icyfire is also selling elements, thief arts, enchanted arts, and Estates in Great Capital

======== owned by club members =========

1.Не в игре #7279IcyFire 16 Armor Enchant 4*20% FREE. Repair 90% for 110% cost 
2.Не в игре #7279aprilshower 19 Jewelcrafter 4*20% FREE 
3.Не в игре function 15  
4.Не в игре Lord herohero 11  
5.Не в игре #7279cragg 14  
6.Не в игре #7181Lord Jabbar 14  
7.Не в игре digito 15  
8.Не в игре Tresdemana 11  
9.Не в игре #7102Zohan23 14  
10.Не в игре LostDark1 14  
11.Не в игре sukuban 6 Dragon shield [D10E10A10W10] 
12.Не в игре #7279GGW 18 Weapon Enchanter 4*10% FREE 
13.Не в игре Nekset 13  
14.Не в игре Force 17 FM armor [D10A10W10F10] 
15.Не в игре Plutnik 14 Thief mask + Thief armor[A10F10] Thief boots [D7A10F10] 
16.Не в игре #12920DARYGEO 17 FM armor[D10E10W9F10] HM coif[D10F8] HM boot+T shield[D10] 
17.Не в игре Ghasteater 11 Thief boots [D9F8] Tarmor [D9A8F9] Tmask [D8A8F8] 
18.Не в игре iroman 14 Platemail & HM coif [D10E10A10W10F10] 
19.Не в игре Geryon 13  
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