#7324 Death Heroes 31 героев |  | 3,500 |
| » Глава: -SlpinDEATHx
» Вербовщик: elfsglory, Lord of wastes, h4nd, PhillipaBenning » Летописец: elfsglory, h4nd, PhillipaBenning » Глашатай: elfsglory, h4nd, PhillipaBenning
» Протокол
| Long ago, there was peace on the land and people enjoy a golden age.One day, out of the sudden, the land crack open. From the cracks emerges all kinds of creatures to wreck havoc to the lands .Under those situations, the heroes form a clan between themselves and called it theLaws. But after a long and enduring battles against the creatures, the Heroes lost hope and some left and went into exile while some fight and died in battlefield and there were no one to help the helpless villagers. A few heroes who was once in 'theLaws' clan decided not to hide themselves anymore and they must continue fighting whether for the villagers sake or for vengence or for survivals. When the going gets tough, the tough gets going. And so they reformed a clan and named themselves the 'Death Heroes' & they will fight either the creatures perish or till they dies
-No AFK in Hunts / battle / duels
-No AFK even when you're about to lose.
-Never be a sore loser
-No vulgarities
-Treat other people with RESPECT.
-Be equal to EVERYONE (be it lvl 1 or lvl 300)
If you broke a Rule
- First Time
- Pay 3000gold to -SlpinDEATHx
If payed 3k but still continues to break rules,
Will add an additional 1k for each following time.
- Refusal / declining to pay will result in Eviction of clan & BlackListed.
* those in clan #282 ANCIENT GUARDIANS & #324 Death Heroes will be evicted by BOTH clans *
Requirement to join
- lvl 3 & abv.
- pay 750 to the recruiters.
How to be a recruiter.
Donate 5000 in clan bank
(send to -SlpinDEATHx wif description of 'donate in clan bank')
Recruiters job
-Recruit as many people as possible.
-Keep 250gold foryourself bt send 500gold to the master.
** -SlpinDEATHx WILL NOT keep any money for herself. the 500Gold will be donated into Clan Account.
TO recruit people pls copy & paste this message.
hi you wanna join my clan? only 750Gold TAX FREE!!
If you wanna join
send 750 gold to -SlpinDEATHx with the description invite to #324 by 'URNAME'
For more info, visit us at
And -SlpinDEATHx will pay you 100gold for EVERY person you invited.
i know its less, but if you invited 8 people you earn back your money for joining clan .
Official Repair Smith
china_blue99 ( 80% repair with 100% repair cost )
Do NOT tell me which other clan you JOINED for FREE and Xpect me to do the same for you.
1st i treat EVERYONE equally.. i cant let you in for free when other players have to pay.
2nd we are nt that clan that lets you in for FREE
3rd unhappy ? leave
We work towards fairness in this Unfair world.
Allies Clan
#340 Stronghold of Invaders
After you had transfered the gold, pls check ur
character page bottom right to see if you have been
invited into clan, Next click ACCEPT!
& you're in Clan #324 WELCOME!!