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#7326 Blood Brothers Of Humble Hostility

 3 героев

 » Глава: orgasmicskittle

 » Вербовщик: F4bz
 » Летописец: F4bz
 » Глашатай: F4bz

 » Протокол

^To become a member, you need to be lvl 3 minimum and not have
been banned for breaking the rules unless you can convince us
it wasn't on purpose or that you learned your lesson.
Just send 1000 gold to orgasmicskittle or one of the recruiters
and wait for the invite which will appear in the lower right
corner of your character page.
To recruit a new member, tell them to send 1000 gold to orgasmicskittle
and add for description: invite to clan by (persons name).
i will send you 250 gold for every new member you recruit.

If you recruit 15 members or more, you might become a recruiter.
When you are a recruiter you can tell people to send you the
1000 gold directly and then you send 750 gold to orgasmicskittle.
You will have the ability to add them to the clan yourself.

- No afking (away from keyboard).
- first time 500 gold fine, if in hunt 1000 gold fine
- second time 1000 gold fine
- third time 1500 gold fine
- fourth time 2000 gold fine
- last time evicted
- Follow all the descriptions in a battle before entering or 500 fine.
For example: do not wear 15 AP in a 8-10 AP match

- * When is it OK to be afk? (when I won't count it as breaking the rules).

- Opponent is afk (if duel).
- Thief attack (if you're the victim).
- Opponent is wearing more AP than asked (in any battle).

* Only the participant of the battle can complain about someone being afk.
* Report all broken rules to orgasmicskittle

500 gold = 1 point.
you get rewards for points. will have them up soon.

you can also get points from donating arts.

- ALL Donations go to orgasmicskittle
- and please at least make them 500 gold and not only 50 gold a day or something like that.

* Donations are used for repairs ,enchantments, artifacts for rent
and to buy thief guild invite.

-comeing soon, when we have enough gold to do that.

- Our first clan blacksmith is F4bz (you pay 2/3, clan pays 1/3) 50% repair skills
- Our clan blacksmith is _____________
* Donations cover the % cost.

Other repairs
Brilliant-charges 100%
heres a link,http://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=9216

- Our clan enchanter is sjb50.
he pays you 200 gold per element that you use.
contact him for more information.

* Donations pay for this.

steel blade 60 gold per battle
contact orgasmic skittle to rent

MH set for rent: 2000 gold per battle; 1 hour per battle.
Set Choices:
bone helmet
bow / maskrobe
sabre / cutlass
dagger / shield
boots / jackboots
ring of flight

more comeing soon, when we can afford to buy them to rent them out.

- My plan is for the clan to do one level at a time so it's less
confusing. Once we get a handful of one level (8 maybe), we will
start doing tournaments for that level. Here's how it works:
~ Tournament will Cost: 500 gold or 1k gold

1.Не в игре orgasmicskittle 6 clan leader 
2.Не в игре F4bz 8 newcomer-0 clan smith 
3.Не в игре #4201Pantheon 001 15 Newcomer-0 
2007-2025, онлайн игры HeroesWM