#7353 Northern Crusaders 35 героев |  | 1,100 |
| » Глава: Lord Ajanie
» Вербовщик: Lord Cascol, Marvon, Lord springfyren » Летописец: Lord Cascol » Глашатай: Lord Cascol, Marvon, Lord springfyren
» Протокол
| Description of the Northern Crusaders:
This is a clan for danish people and only danish people..!!!
There is only a firsttime payment of 600 gold and then you are in.
Our purpose is to gather as many danish people as possible!
Rules of the Clan:
1. You must follow the rules of the game.
2. Keep playing the game and tell us when you stop for good(if you ever do)
3. Have fun!!!
History of the Clan
------Chapter 1-------
The first of the Northern Crusaders.
Under the long battles versus the raging hordes from the dark mountains up north, four men of different factions became good and loyal friends. These four was the first of the Northern Crusaders.
The first was Cascol, a knight and the leader of the clan. Cascol was the firstborn son of the legendary Warlord Amfortas, the keeper of the empires eternal flame.
Next was the beautiful elven warrior Springfyren, who was the highest ranked protector of the elven forest cities and their secrets.
And then there was the Dark elf Marvon, the long lost son, of the most powerful dark elf ever to serve the empire, Realag. And at last but not least there was Pennywise. Pennywise was a female Barbarian who was much stronger than many of the male barbarians.
These four men didn’t know each other when the war against the mountain hordes began. But they were standing in the frontlines with their armies and they quickly learned that they were indestructible when they fought together.
The surrounding armies, was also stunned by the four warriors great teamwork and especially one was impressed. This was the necromantic priest, Krede, who one night told them that they never should separate; “stay together and the empires defense will be much stronger” that was what he said.
The four didn’t hear more from the old necromancer after that. They heard from others that he had rushed to the Great Capitol the next morning.
When the war of the dark mountains was won by the empires forces, there was happiness and a rush of victory in the camp. Especially Marvon was happy. He had cut the head off of the mountain rulers shoulders himself, when the forces of the empires finally broke through the hordes defenses. But there was also a glister of sorrow in the four warriors’ eyes. They now knew what the old necromancer was talking about. Now that the war was won they would be separated by the empires Warlords.
Cascol raised above all others and the armies became quiet. Cascol came to mind that maybe it was sad that they would separate but there were also dead warriors who would never see their families again and then he raised his goblet of wine and shouted; “ALL HAIL THE VICTORIUS DEAD” and the armies of the empire shouted as one “HAIL” and drank up.
The next morning Springfyren woke up with a sore body. He had been disturbed by a young knight poking him. The sun was rising and none of the warrior had gotten any real sleep. The young knight asked Springfyren; “do you know Lord Cascol, Springfyren, Marvon and Pennywise?” Springfyren looked at the young knight and said “yes, I am Springfyren, what news do you have messenger?” The young knight bowed before Springfyren and gave him a letter with the seal from the Empress herself.
Springfyren woke up the others and they all read the letter. The letter told them to get their troops ready and move out and travel to the Great Capitol.
After days of travel the four and their army came to the Great Capitol. The citizens of the Capitol saluted the victorious warriors. The army made a camp outside the Capitol walls and Cascol, Springfyren, Marvon and Pennywise walked up the stairs to the royal palace to meet with the Empress.
The Empress herself was a kind and beautiful woman and when the lords walked into the throne hall, she gladly welcomed them. The Empress sat down with the four and told them how happy she was, that they had beaten the mountain hordes. She wanted to reward them all and she said; “The people have been talking about you all. The entire empire knows about you all and your achievements, the people love you and you keep the empires spirit high.” She paused and then said; “I want to immortalize you under a single leader and a single name. Do you have a leader and a name for your clan?” Marvon raised from his chair and said to the Empress; “Empress it is an honor to serve you and I think the other will agree when I say that Cascol is and will always be our leader” He sat down and Cascol looked at the others. Springfyren and Pennywise nodded their heads. “It would be an honor to serve you my Empress and lead these fine men of the empire and I do think I have a name for us, from now on we will be known as THE NORTHERN CRUSADERS!!”
Clan smith, enchanter and other services:
Simstars Workshop:
Smith - 80% repair at 70% of the cost
Enchanter - 3x7% weapon and 3x14% Armor
Smaskirs Workshop:
Smith - 40% repair
Ajanies Workshop:
Enchanter - 2x4% weapon and 2x6% Armor
Help these getting their Smith and Enchanter service i an higher level. THANKS!
fedtegreve rent all lvl 1-9 artifacts + All Hunter, MH, Thief
Masters of the High Council:
Cascol - stopped on unestimated time
Marvon - stopped on unestimated time
¤¤¤ Friendly clans! ¤¤¤
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