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#7373 LWM - Keepers. Violations in tavern and battles

 4 героев

 » Глава: Империя
 » Заместитель: Beliar

 » Сайт клана: https://www.lordswm.com/help.php?section=5
 » Протокол

This is an official clan controlled by Empire.

Clan members DO NOT accept complaints on unfair penalties and aren’t obliged to explain their actions to players. 
Clan members DO NOT accept complaints in PM.
The clan is not recruiting.

Clan members’ competence:

¤ Insults (equally foul language and non-foul rudeness) in battles and tavern;
Threats, instigation to breaking rule, announcing the intention of breaking a rule in battle, tavern and forum;
Flood in battle and tavern (repetitive messages not related to combat; messages not carrying any sense; messages that complicate reading the battle chat).
- 1,000 gold
- 5,000 gold
- 10,000 gold
- 20,000 gold
- 40,000 gold
- 100,000 gold
- Silence for 1 month
- imprisonment for three days
- character block.
Premature block possible in exceptional cases.

¤ Staged combat (winning party definitely predictable from start);
paid-for combat (any kind of payment for any kind of result in a combat);
intentional loss (for any reason except technical problems/loss of Internet connection);
bad sportsmanship (damaging one's friendly troops without tactical interest etc.);
giveaway combat (yielding moves of no tactical interest).
- 1,000 gold
- 5,000 gold
- 10,000 gold
- 20,000 gold
- 50,000 gold
- 100,000 gold
- imprisonment for three days
- character block.

¤ Advertisement, flood, SHL, flashmob etc. in challenge description;
Flood, insults, begging in transfer log, combat and tavern.
- 1,000 gold
- 5,000 gold
- 10,000 gold
- imprisonment for three days
- character block.
Premature block possible in exceptional cases.

¤ Begging/spamming in battles, personal mail, tavern.
- 1,000 gold
- 5,000 gold
- 10,000 gold
- 20,000 gold
- 50,000 gold
- 100,000 gold
- imprisonment for three days
- character block.

If your complaint is in clan members’ competence, lodge an application here:

Before creating an application read the local rules of that branch (sticky topic)
Complaints that aren’t following those rules may be ignored, and their author may get banned.

General game rules: http://www.lordswm.com/help.php?section=5

1.  Империя 22  
2.Не в игре Insults 5 Violations in private mail 
3.Не в игре #15Beliar 18 Deputy Leader 
4.Не в игре #11823Lexa 16  
2007-2025, онлайн игры HeroesWM