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#7390 Brotherhood of Tacticians

 2 героев

 » Глава: Lord eektor

 » Вербовщик: sungor
 » Летописец: sungor
 » Глашатай: sungor

 » Протокол

We are a small group of people who strive to be the best we can be. We search, discuss, and continually refine our tactics for hunting, merc quests, ambushing, and pvp.


Now recruiting new members!

- Combat level 7+
- 10,000 gold entrance fee
- adherence to all game rules:

All members of the brotherhood of tacticians are expected to follow the rules of LOWM at all times. If you cheat in any way don't apply because you won't get in, and you will be turned in to the admins.

* Any person who has proof of a member of this clan cheating please inform a leader so they can look into it and take the appropriate action. *

Clan Taxes: 1,000 gold per week
We would like to become a war clan when it is implemented. All taxes collected will go toward the cost of becoming a war clan.

1.Не в игре Lord eektor 9 Leader 
2.Не в игре sungor 9 Co-Leader 
2007-2025, онлайн игры HeroesWM