#7392 Lords: Oblivion 3 героев |  | 250 |
| » Глава: Lord biosss
» Вербовщик: Shoke, ghaffur » Летописец: ghaffur » Глашатай: Shoke
» Протокол
| We are defenders of the Empire!
We don't care were you from,we just care about you team work.
If you want to join this clan,just send message to biosss,ghaffur,phuntik,Shoke.
[C]lan [M]embers [R]esponsabilities:
1.To keep strictly to the game rules and regulations
2.To help all the klan members
3.To help our klan to prospere(Gold is nooblest mental)
To enter our clan you need:
1.To be sociable,polite,open minded person
2.To be able to afford 700gold fee for invitation
3.Tax 50gold per week(for each clan member)
We still do not have a high leveled smiths and crafters but its
just a matter of time.
This clan is open for all player LWM!!!
How to get point?
200 gold for citizen(1)
400 gold for citizen(2)
600 gold for citizen(3)
800 gold for citizen(4)
1000gold for citizen(5)
1200gold for commado(0)
1400gold for commado(1)
(This clan is new!)