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#7411 Elf Alliance

 9 героев

 » Глава: Eyf-Lot

 » Протокол

~~~~~~~~~~~~{THE ELF EDICT}~~~~~~~~~~~~

To gather all bows against one common enemy
and the growing numbers of the unwitting.
To serve and protect nature as our higher mission
and secure the rightful values and ancestry of a
superior race.

To keep a perfect balance among self-reliable forces
and so make new ways for victory, restoring the power,
wisdom and knowledge of our kind.

To convince them, all allied to our art, to join this higher
cause for beauty, justice and superiority within the Empire.

All Elfs unite! May the Forest be with us!



>>>About the alliance

Elf Alliance (EA) is a distinguished Elf Faction Society, the prosperous alliance of the keepers of the Forest. We aim to be the No. 1 faction exclusive clan of the game. Invitations are made after the 'joiner' has sent the entry fee to a recruiter and agreed on the Elf Edict (cited below). Some Heros are invited as honorary members. The order of the clan is maintained within a Council of Elders. Leadership is awarded, access to the high counsil can not be applied for. We do not grant players of other factions other than Elf, no exceptions made ('light-elves' (DE) or players switching back and forth from elf and other insignificant factions such as humans, trolls, magicians, zombies or devils are certainly not welcome here)!



1. YOU PLAY AS ELF. We do not grant players of other factions other than Elf, no exceptions made!
2. YOU REMAIN ELF. Change of faction results in expel from this distinguished society. No warnings are made. No refunding. Nor do we allow 'day trips' with other factions. You will be expelled immediately with no return of Gold. Although you decide to switch back to Elf after 24h exile you will need to apply for new membership and pay the Entry Fee once more.
3. Never go AFK during combat! Do not join a battle unless you're willing to finish it. This is the Elf Code.
4. Respect battle settings as defined by the inviting player and follow ALL Game Rules (See 'About the game').
5. Play in a timely manner from beginning to end, no matter if you are winning or losing. We die with honour.
6. Do not bring disgrace upon our people by using foul or abusive language in the game. Our beauty with words is widely known.
7. Treat other players with respect. We are a respected and courteous race. Remember that it is an Elf's duty to be just a little bit smarter than the average player. This counts for our behaviour too.
8. Be equal to everyone (be it lvl 1 or lvl 30, male or female, young or old). Our kind is not obsessed with competition. We know who we are and what we're made of.
9. You are an active player. Long term absence is not approved and result in expel from this society. No refunding.
10. There should not be any suspicious transfers in your log.
11. You pay a monthly TAX of 1,000-2,000 Gold depending on your combate level. Not contributing results in rejection with no refunding.

Players who break these rules are officially not available in the clan!


For players lvl 5-7:
Membership fee of 1,000 Gold with a monthly tax of 1,000 Gold.

For players lvl 8-higher:
Membership fee of 2,000 Gold with a monthly tax of 2,000 Gold.

To join send the Gold to either one of the recruiters and put the transaction description 'Clan invite for #411' on the transfer. As soon as your application has been approved you will receive an invite in the lower right corner on your main screen. Don't be alarmed if nothing happens right away, approvals can be pending. It's volontary to inform us of your IRL nationality, but doing so will broaden your network and make it easier for you to find new friends on the server.


* The greatful friendship and companionship of other clan members
* Hints on the game and valuable Elf faction battle secrets
* The option of renting better weapons, enchanting and forging of artifacts
* New ways to strengthen your own sell-or-buy market and dealing with game items
* The advantage of improving your chance to successful game play
* Clan wars with other faction clans

And much more...


The 7 chairs of the Elf Council is the clan's leadership.

Eyf-Lot - Elder of Wisdom
xxx - Elder of Faith
xxx - Elder of Light
xxx - Elder of Power
Leonics - Elder of Magic
urka - Elder of Courage
xxx - Elder of Justice

1.Не в игре Eyf-Lot 10 Elder of Wisdom (Clan Leader) Treasury: 800,000 
2.Не в игре #7102urka 12 Elder of Courage (Clan Commander) Treasury: 100,000 
3.Не в игре Leonics 6 Elder of Magic 
4.Не в игре JIeZ9I 6  
5.Не в игре fuzzyvortex 8  
6.Не в игре bacon92 6  
7.Не в игре xCrank1994X 7  
8.Не в игре mchoppy 6  
9.Не в игре DarthRetardus 6  
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