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#7413 Unicorn

 22 героев

 » Глава: Lord unnamed

 » Вербовщик: Lord lord-of-battle, Draklore, DeezNuts4Lyf

 » Протокол

Welcome all mighty and brave warriors of the Empire to the clan named after the greatest creature in Elven mythology!!! Yes, welcome to the UNICORN!!!

1. Combat Level 5+
2. Clan invite cost 500.
4. Go in your character's homepage.
5. An invitation will appear at the right lower corner.
6. Click on accept!
7. You will become a clan member of Unicorn!


1. Do not be AFK in a battle.
2. Do not cheat and try to follow the game rules as much as u can.
3. Do not use Offensive language against other people.
4. THE MOST IMPORTANT RULE: Enjoy the game the fullest.
5. Do not transfer money to your secondary users!


adding member to the clan: 2points

0 points = Unicorn
20 points = Bronze Unicorn = random great hunter artifact
50 points = Silver Unicorn = random beastbane artifact
100 points = Gold Unicorn = Windflower element
200 points = Platinum Unicorn =clan invite to military clan The Dragon Slaughter
400 points = Diamond unicorn = Random thief artifact

Friendly Clans:
#381 Dragon alliance
#686 The Ultimate Rangers

1.Не в игре #7279Lord unnamed 16 Leader 
2.Не в игре DarkBenz 5 Unicorn 
3.Не в игре Lord lord-of-battle 6 Unicorn (12 points) 
4.Не в игре black116611 10 Unicorn 
5.Не в игре dewa_pemusnah 6 Unicorn 
6.Не в игре SachinNarayan 11 Unicorn 
7.Не в игре Dwarkadish 9 Unicorn 
8.Не в игре thrillinghero1 10 Unicorn 
9.Не в игре sania2005 6 Unicorn 
10.Не в игре Lord Sieg_Hart 10 Unicorn 
11.Не в игре Tukimen 6 Unicorn 
12.Не в игре jackier 7 Unicorn 
13.Не в игре jacky 8 Unicorn 
14.Не в игре Henne 8 Unicorn 
15.Не в игре Conna0905 6 Unicorn 
16.Не в игре Draklore 5 Unicorn (8 points) 
17.Не в игре Мурашки_по_коже 16 Unicorn 
18.Не в игре SweetKate77 7 Unicorn 
19.Не в игре Pravin J 9 Unicorn 
20.Не в игре DeezNuts4Lyf 11 Unicorn 
21.Не в игре Shanxo37 12 Unicorn 
22.Не в игре stuba 14 Unicorn 
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