fee is 700 and we also accept recoures for our fee
Newsoftheweek:From: Jake1234: I new leader.
I will help people level up and to win battles. Fee is 700 to join and you may borrow money from the clan balance and oh yeah you can have whatever you want next to your name
and all the money in the clan balance is mine so i'll take it out or
put it in when i feel like it, but ask me for a loan theres no interest. _________________________________________________________________
if give (jake1234) your 0 durablity items i'll fix 10% of it for about what it costs to fix it, and to modify arts its very pricy if you want that so discuss that with(jake1234)who can smith 10% for 10% of the repairing cost and enchant 2% for 1000
donations are greatly apreceated because they make the clan stronger and bigger
i(jake1234) can enhance weapons and armor 1%
Clan Balance Donations
Jake1234: 0 Gold Donated
Looperboy78: 1,500 Gold Donated
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