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#7500 Lords: The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

 3 героев

 » Глава: patejl

 » Вербовщик: metelkovic
 » Глашатай: metelkovic, Tondas

 » Протокол

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen / Liga vyjimecnych

Clan for players with sense of humor and passion for fair fight who want to have the best experience out of the game. AFKs and rude players are NOT welcomed. Ladies and gentlemen only.

invitation fee 20.000 gold, no taxes

This is private clan. You have to be invited by one of our members. He guarantees that you have met the criteria to join our clan. These are the rules of the clan:

-you will never go intentionally AFK
-in group battle you will fight until your last breath (until last standing unit) for your side
-you will never call other player names
-you won't break official rules of the game
-you are active player

1.Не в игре patejl 12 CZ/EN; Leader 
2.Не в игре metelkovic 12 CZ/EN; Smith - 60% eff. for 90% cost 
3.Не в игре Tondas 15 CZ/EN 
2007-2025, онлайн игры HeroesWM