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#7508 Cool Warriors Of Today

 4 героев

 » Глава: coolsunny1404

 » Вербовщик: lnjnoob
 » Летописец: lnjnoob
 » Глашатай: lnjnoob

 » Протокол

In the frost winter, a caravan is moving slowly with two heroes, protecting the content in it. Suddenly they are ambushed by some army of necromancers. As the two heroes are nearly finished by them, help came! Warrior Sunny with his friend have seen the combat and came to help.
After the armies are defeated, they offer King Sunny to manage their clan! Seeing their bloodlust in battles, King Sunny is determined to lead the clan to win various quest, tournaments and ambushes!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Try to make it a Battle Clan!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

We offer our members:
--> Clan Discount Smith (repair 90% (MAX) of your art, you pay only repair cost)
--> Clan Enchanters (enchant your arts to get additional damage or protection)
--> Good Communication (Clan Website and Forum. :)
--> Thieves' Invitation (TGI) Renting
--> Full Thief Set / Great Hunter Set Renting
--> Cheap Art Renting
--> Clan Donation & Clan Title
--> Friendly Clan
--> More are coming.
Please read following for detail.

All these benifits will soon be available..
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ How to join our clan? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Please transfer invitation fee 2000 gold to me , and also send me an ingame msg.

Requirements :
1- Combat level 5 or higher.
2- Active player
3- Good Attitude

each point worth 1000 gold ar the market prices ofarts\rescources\elemnts....etc

20 point=leather armore
50 points=leather boots
100 point= a full hunter set
250 points=long bow
300 points=be a CO_manager

u can also get the point by donating gold to clan.

Recruiters :in order to become a recruter transfer me 20000 gold .recruiters have to take 2500 gold from the person ,and transfer me 2000 gold.They also get 1 point per person recruited.

1.Respect all games rule(You know.No insult,foul words,violent act and remember to put your multi on your multi names in personal profile)

2.Obey a battle's rule at least of what AP or no artifact(For level 3-4).

3.Help clan mates in hunts and combats.

4.Donate to clan.


1.Не в игре coolsunny1404 9  
2.Не в игре lnjnoob 8  
3.Не в игре bongbam 7  
4.Не в игре s99s 7  
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