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#7545 The Arabian Pharoahs Lords

 9 героев

 » Глава: Rabbit_69

 » Вербовщик: Lord joker1709
 » Летописец: Lord joker1709
 » Глашатай: Lord joker1709

 » Протокол

<<<<<<<<< Welcome all to the clan >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

<<<<<<<<< Akid ta7eyya 5assa jeddan la kil l 3arab bel le3ba >>>>>>>>>>>

(NSR(3.5m in 1 days,Dragon 1.5M in 2.5days,Vepacha2.5M in 2days)

I hope all heroes will be satisfied and glad in the clan as we will provide a very helpful services of all kinds. strategic , tactic , financial ,advices, and any problem our hero lord is facing .we will work on solving it through consultation of the management leaders.

We are very active lords and our aim is to reach the best of best in this game in everything.
Do not hesitate to share all your ideas and any creative work.
***We are grateful and appreciate everyones cooperation and contribution in advance ***.

our clan services are:

1-TGI rental ( lord that has it for rent will inform you by a note beside him )

2- Arts repairing of 30% effiency by lord Joker1709 . and he do Jewel enchant of 3% too.if u r interested , check his profile for more info.ofcourse clan members have more privelages ..

3- Arts rental by higher levels as they will have needed arts in inventory and myself.as for the rental price,it will be negotiated with the lord that will rent.best prices will be for our clan members.

4-As i mentioned ,if u have any concerns, need regulation and rule help, strategy and tactics for battles and hunt and recruitment of troops for all faction. You can ask me and i will lead you to the solution.

Note : Any critical problems due to any of the related topics will be held by the leader and the management consultancy and resolved as fast as possible.

- This is a new clan so if anyone have a new idea please inform us and the services will improve by time hopefully and gladly .

Taxes :

- Inorder the clan to help the heroes lords , taxes will be there according to the hero level.

levels 1 - 5 :there will be no taxes.
levels 6 - 7 : 500 golds
levels 8 - 9 : 1000 golds
levels 10 - 11 : 2000 golds
levels 12 - 13 : 3000 golds
level 14 : 5000 golds

Note : these taxes amount are still not finalized ,as the clan gets bigger. the amount will change .

----*** Donation made to the clan will be of a good spirit of you and show the respect of the hero lord to himself and clan members and will get even more attention and more care as his name will be in the honor list according to his / her donation amount . Also to encourage for more donation , the donater will get more privelages such as getting arts for some battles for free inorder to show him respect back from clan as well ...etc

Lords that has donated gold to the clan are :

$$$ --- The Pharoah's leader donated 1000000gold
$$$ --- Lord Joker1709 ( Co-leader and Clan management head ) donated 5000gold .
$$$ --- Lord Rabbit_69 ( Clan management high member and Head of Elves) donated 3000gold
$$$ --- Lord MNB85 has donated 30000gold
$$$ --- Lord Eagel has donated over 70000gold
$$$ --- Lord LordMordof has donated 1100gold
^^^^A hard work and good self respect to us and other lords in the game might get you to catch a position in the clan as a reward of the hard and good work^^^^ .

* All taxes will be sent every Monday to the Leader and will be deposited to the clan account.
* For new members, no taxes will be paid for the first week .

- As for recruitment , inorder to recruit and get an award from the clan.If you are not a recruiter member. u must recruit up to 5 members then you will be rewarded for each recruitment done according to the level being recruited. ( the first tax payment will be yours).


~ Our good Lords and one of our talents in this clan is the survival tour, members and most of them who joined the tour aree getting mostly 1st places and some reach 2nd or 3rd when join.

1.Не в игре Lord joker1709 14 Co - Leader and Clan management member 
2.Не в игре ambulance101 11 Growing Elf 
3.Не в игре Rachad 13 Very much Respected and Great Lord of DE 
4.Не в игре Lord dragon_1 11 Under evolving Knight 
5.Не в игре Rabbit_69 14 Clan management high member and Head of Elves 
6.Не в игре -gurl-barbarian 10  
7.Не в игре KittySg 10  
8.Не в игре khaled1972 7  
9.Не в игре omarwwe 6  
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