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#7581 Rising Phoenix old

 1 героев

 » Глава: Yipikayyay

 » Сайт клана: http://rising-phoenix.ucoz.org/
 » Протокол

We shall be reborn from the ashes

What is a military clan? A upgrade of an clan. There are a few military clans around at this moment, you may ask why? Military clans cost 2,500,000gold + 4000gold for every member. A military clan goal is to become the strongest group to defeat the battle VS the dwarves. But let me tell you the true meaning of a Military clan. A military clan is a clan that shares ideas and help each other out, but we are not always friendly. We can team up in group battles and kick ass.

Let me describe you the details of Military clans.
• A lord may only join one military clan.
• Members in a military clan can't ambush one another.
• Military clans can control parts of the map.
• Military clans invitation cost is 5000 gold instead of 500 gold.
• A icon will be shown beside your name representing your military clan
• Only 250 members are limited in a military clan

The main question is, when will we become a military clan?
We have calculated that we need 90+ members to become a military clan.

So what are you waiting for? Join now!


The sand of time cannot be stopped. Years pass whether we will them or not...but we can remember.What has been lost may yet live on in memories,that has been forgotten,hidden in the dreamy haze that lies behind us.

Before our grandfathers were born,and even yea before their grandfathers,war has raged within and beyond the kingdom.Those were the time of chaos where swords were drawn and bloods shed,bodies found everywhere and tears sheds. And still the war continues.

One day,during the sun rises,there was a cry heard across the land.A cry that no one will forget.A cry of a beautiful song.When all looked up in the sky,they saw a bird,larger then any species of birds,soaring like a rising sun,shone brightly.Its has a colourful plumage and feathers of many colours-gold,silver,ruby red,sapphire blue,emerald green,amethyst violet,amber orange.

Everyone witnessed this event,and regarded the bird as a sign of peace and sacred symbol and named the bird PHOENIX and finally peace was restored.Those who witnessed this event soon made a peace pact and create a clan,called themselves the RISING PHOENIX

And now everyone spoke of them and even composed a song for them:
The bird's soar is that of a rising sun
Feathers shone like gems
Reign of chaos end with the bird's cry
And peace shall be restored
Phoenix shall be its name
Pact form because of Phoenix
And a clan shall name after it rises
To guard and protect is their mission
Unites all and last for eternity


All members should follow Rising Phoenix clan rules:
• Follow the rules of the battle (No enchanted artifacts, No diamond upgrade, etc.)
• Do not join a battle when you know you can't finish it. When you have started you must finish, even if your losing.
• Respect clan members. It is forbidden to insult each other.


Everyone can become a member with single 15,000gold gold payment!
• Must be a active player
• Must be at least level 5 or above
• If you leave clan. No refund!
When invitation is sent go to Character Page-->Bottom right corner-->Accept

Rising Phoenix membership offers:
• Gold Loan service
• Smiths and Enchanters.
• Artifact leasing network.
• Team battles with a strong community
• Tactics to make every second easier.
• Faction Reference shown in our forum
• Custom Avatars to make you stand out.


• Kim_LoO (repairs 40% for 50% of cost) - http://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=240964
• PrashanthDaniel (repairs 20% for 30% of cost) - http://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=176247
• tomo9 (repairs 20% for 30% of cost) - http://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=49286

• Kim_LoO (weaponsmith 2x5%) - http://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=240964

• Kim_LoO - Thief dagger [E5A5] - 1000 Gold
• Kim_LoO - Thief amulet - 850 Gold
• Kim_LoO - Thief cloak - 500 Gold
• gowtham - Steel Cuirass [A4] - 390 Gold

Please take a look at our clan website - http://rising-phoenix.ucoz.org/

It is impossible to take the sea, catch the wind and defeat the Phoenix!

1.Не в игре Yipikayyay 6  
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