#7595 Juventus 13 героев |  | 99,500 |
| » Глава: Wakabayashi
» Вербовщик: Lord gonuk, B1m4_S4kt1, Wakashimazu, Dewata, Angelina_Zhi » Летописец: Lord gonuk, B1m4_S4kt1, Wakashimazu, Dewata, Angelina_Zhi » Глашатай: Lord gonuk, B1m4_S4kt1, Wakashimazu, Dewata, Angelina_Zhi
» Сайт клана: http://vanzy-madara-uchiha.blogspot.com/ » Протокол
| Selamat Datang !!!!!
Di Clan Juventus ^_^
Clan Khusus Warga Indonesia ^_^
Aku Ucapkan Semoga Sukses Kepada Semuanya ^_^
No Recruit ^__^
- Sukses dalam Turnament
- Upgrade Clan menjadi Military Clan
1. Wakabayashi (2 Gold, 1 Silver and 2 Bronze)
- Ninth Survival Tournament. Levels: 4, Dark elves.[Survival tournament. Gold. Dark elves.]
- Ninth Survival Tournament. Levels: 5, Dark elves.[Survival tournament. Silver. Dark elves.]
- 12th Survival Tournament. Levels: 5, Dark elves.[Survival tournament. Bronze. Dark elves.]
- 16th Survival Tournament. Levels: 6, Dark elves.[Survival tournament. Gold. Dark elves.]
- 18th Survival Tournament. Levels: 6, Dark elves.[Survival tournament. Bronze. Dark elves.]
- 39th Survival Tournament. Levels: 7, Dark elves.[Survival tournament. Silver. Dark elves.]
2. Angelina_Zhi (1 Silver and 1 Bronze)
- 15th Survival tournament. Levels: 4, Necromancer. [Survival tournament. Bronze. Necromancer.]
- 16th Survival tournament. Levels: 4, Necromancer. [Survival tournament. Silver. Necromancer.]
Program Roulette
Grup A
- Wakashimazu
Grup B
- Mulyadi
- Vanzy_Nec
- worldfox
* Gagal :
Point Survival Turnament :
- Angelina_Zhi >>> LVL.5 [2x = 9.188] >>> LVL.6 [2x = 6.862]
- B1m4_S4kt1 >>> LVL.5[1x = 9.343] >>> LVL.6 [1x = 6.032]
- Charlie_ST12 >>> LVL.4 [1x = 7.147]
- MIKHA_ARC >>> LVL.8 [1x = 32.611]
- R1zuk1 >>> LVL.6 [1x = 6.398]
- Vanzy_Nec >>> LVL.4 [x = .]
- Wakabayashi >>> LVL.7 [1x = 16.819]
- Wiro_Sableng >>> LVL.3 [1x = 3.167] >>> LVL.4 [1x = 3.562]
- worldfox >>> LVL.5 [x = .]