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#7602 elf power

 1 героев

 » Глава: lord287

 » Сайт клана: http://xat.com/ClanElfPower
 » Протокол

This is a clan made basically for elf and dark elfs but other factions are also welcomed

The fee for clan is 2500 and no tax will be taken
(irrespective of new rule)
The recruiters after recruiting will give 1600 gold to leader.if they not
pay the amount to leader they get evicted from job of recruiter.(time of giving gold to leader is immediately after recruiting). Anyone who wants to be a recruiter can ask me to be one.

Clan Chat Page
this is the link to the clan chat page

Our clan can recruit any lvl but must lvl 5+

................Rules of Clan......................
1. no multis or cheaters allowed
2. to join u should be lvl 5 or 5+
3. nobody should get afk from a clan fite until u have a valid reason
................Clan Market........................
Clan market(available):
1)Master hunter bone helmet
2)Master hunter amulet
3)Master hunter armour
4)Master hunter bow
5)Master hunter sabre
6)Master hunter shield
7)Master hunter boots
8)Master hunter ring of flight
9)Master hunter ring of flight

So wearing this set gives you:

+3 attack
+10% damage of troops
+10% initiative
+1 luck
+4 defence
10% less ranged damage taken by all troops
12% initiative
+1 shooting range
+1 to minimum and maximum damage of all lord's stacks.
+30% damage to neutral creatures,

LEASE IT NOW!!Win all hunts and merc. tasks

Cost is just 1700 gold per battle

Lease for 5 battles and you get a 60 gold discount per battle.
For all clan mates:50 gold discount
................How to get clan point......................

100 gold:1 clan point
1000 gold:5 clan point
5000 gold:10 clan point

Other way to get clan point=_=
recruit a player and you get 1.5 points.
recruit 5 players in 30 mins u get 11 clan points if u send gold in 1 hr

Advantage of points
first one to get 50 points will get 5000 gold only upto 150 clan points(cp)(u get 4950 gold due to new rule)

China_blue99 will repair 90% repair with 110% repair cost.
evilskyterrorr will repair 20% of arts for full repair cost.

..................clan avatar maker...................
suvosh(for more info PM)

..................clan forum leader.....................
aruish is clan's forum leader any difficulty regarding any thing in clan or any message i give ask aruish.

For aruish- Congrats to u for being the first one to collect 100 cp

1.Не в игре lord287 9 new clan leader 
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