#7608 Mandirigmang Lobo 6 героев |  | 38,000 |
| » Глава: Agorwal
» Летописец: -Anansi- » Глашатай: donbossgore, Lord Rendingblade, -Anansi-, crashnburn_ph
» Сайт клана: http://99warballoons.darkbb.com » Протокол
| Mandirigmang Lobo literally means "war wolf."
VISION: An honor-bound hunting pack that can fight as a single unit.
MISSION: To gather and unite respectable players for group battles and hunts.
Finding a good teammate and/or hunting partner these days is tedious. Sometimes, you may even end up teaming with an AFKer, resulting in an instant loss. Losing battles is a good learning tool, but losing because of an AFKer or a teammate who pays no heed to a good advice is another thing. Thus, we ended up founding a guild made up of players that we think are decent enough. We don't care if you're not good strategy-wise as long as you can decide and act for the team. So far, most of the members are personal friends but we are welcoming other players too.
__________RULES OF THE PACK_________________________________________________________________________
Well, we only have one rule - RESPECT. Believe it or not, this seemingly simple rule pretty much covers every aspect of the game.
Respect for ALL rules (whether they're in-game or just player-made).
Respect for other players (or just simply follow the Golden Rule).
Respect for self (don't do anything that will bring shame to yourself, i.e. begging).
Invitational. We will only invite those who are recommended by our members.
No membership fees. No taxes. We only want to share ideas and battle with other good players so we think we don't need to ask for these. Still, donations will be gladly accepted since we are paying for invites out of our own pockets. If you want to donate anything, just send them to the Leader (Agorwal).