#7622 ~Claymore~ 7 героев |  | 0 |
| » Глава: Banoo
» Глашатай: Lady misaisagona
» Протокол
| We all know how to live in this World. And we can teach others with the power of our Claymore!
In a world where humans coexist with sentient monsters called # Yoma # that feed on human innards, an organization has created an order of half-human, half-yoma warriors to protect humans from the yoma, for a large fee. The people of this world have dubbed these warriors "Claymores" based on their swords. They are also refered to as "Silver Eyed Witches", based on their appearance and seemingly cold nature toward others.
No taxes =)
invitation - 1000 gold
Other Languages we use:
Russian...............Gothic_girl Angel_Devil
||||||| enchanter ||||||| misaisagona
||||||| smith ||||||||||||| SladurAna
||||||| avatar maker ||| Gothic_girl
.888 (,,) 888.
8888 || 8888
8888 || 8888
.888 (||) 888.
8888 || 8888
8888 || 8888
8888 || 8888
8888 || 8888
8888 || 8888
What do we want___
1. starting from 20 heroes - clan tournaments
2. 96% female clan
3. to be the best of the BEST
all questions about our clan to Crossman or Gothic_girl.