#7714 Warriors of light 4 ãåðîåâ |  | 0 |
| » Ãëàâà: Levon-Demon
» Âåðáîâùèê: Germiona, Lord Armenia » Ëåòîïèñåö: Germiona, Lord Armenia » Ãëàøàòàé: Germiona, Lord Armenia
» Ïðîòîêîë
| **************************************************
Membership cost is 700 gold.
500 for the entry and 200 for the clan balance.
you will also have to be at lv 5
**************************************************************************************************** Rules:
1. Follow all rules of this game. here are the links to the rules
General rules: http://www.lordswm.com/help.php?section=
2. Respect battle rules (No AFK, AP limit etc.)
3. Never go AFK (Don’t start a group battle/Hunt Assist if you’re not sure you have time)
Membership cost is 700 gold. There is no tax
To join the clan, Transfer 700 gold to Levon-Demon