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Че-то неправильно тут. Обычно мы в Европу едем, а тут Европа идет к нам..
для Карл_Лысый:

Европа?! Индия, Индия ))
Че-то неправильно тут. Обычно мы в Европу едем, а тут Европа идет к нам.. Жерар ДеПардье кому дорогу показал)
Какая Европа, какая Индия.

Туристы домой просто возвращаются
Обычно мы в Европу едем, а тут Европа идет к нам..
ну так а куда им деваться. не сегодня-завтра императрицу комовскою сожгут в жерле вулкана, ну или по миру пустят) и они сиротами останутся.
Какая Европа, какая Индия.

Туристы домой просто возвращаются
+ браво правду матку выдал :)
новость на коме

The Exodus

"Report, quickly!" - Her Majesty the Empress dismissed the Knight's curtsey in a swift gesture.

"Your Majesty, neither Bilir's Academics nor Kh'Everst's technicians could help with anything significant. The volcano keeps growing more and more menacing, won't cease even for a second. I am afraid, everything indicates that very soon, we will witness a massive eruption, and there is no way to stop it."

"What is the current situation?"

Councilor Kalirosh paused for a short time before speaking in a bitter trembling voice: "The Tears, they... drone, Your Majesty. Not just the sound, the earth shakes beneath our feet. Quetlisse says the Nature is infuriated as it has never been on her memory. And the lava! Hundreds of gallons are already flooding the natural beauties of the Tears. The cloud is spreading and getting thick. In a matter of hours, Seraph's Tears will be lost to us...

The Empress interrupted him in a clear but deafened voice: "Evacuate as many as you can. Facilities, estates, Seraph Stronghold - everything is to be abandoned. Command heralds to sound calamity horns in all locations to the North and East of the Capital. Lord and peasant alike, everyone is to draw back to the Capital."

The Knight bowed quickly and raised his eyebrows in a mute inquiry for more orders.

"Bilir and Kh'Everst, I need them. Send them here. Have Thutkra announce airfree situation: no military creature flies into the air. Go."
She watched the Knight rush down the stairs. So it was true, the premonition She had seen so many times in Her nightmares ever since the Infernals used Her weakness to possess Her. The Malady, the Demonic possession, the lethargy after that - She always believed the combination of all those to be the reason for those disastrous visions at night. And now, were they to incorporate into the will of the Twin Gods?..

She started to walk around the bedchamber, going over the possible salvation scenarios in Her mind. The Capital was critically close to the location of the volcano. Could they build a barrier to save the Capital? Then all Empire lands around it would be lost for sure, and even in that case who could be sure the barrier would not breach... Abandon the land and venture to the West? A monarchy of hundreds of thousands of subjects could not just get into a trailer and travel forth like a band of mercenaries...
She suddenly caught herself on the fact that Her eyes kept constantly returning to the chest of drawers beside Her bed, more specifically, the second drawer from top. It was there that she had put the locket containing the fiber of the overseas wizard's soul, after she had contacted him last time. Clatter of armoured boots caught Her ear - someone was coming up the stairs. She rushed to the drawer chest, fished the locket out and put it on Her neck, quickly slamming the drawer back. A few moments to look in a mirror to catch Her reflection, perfectly calm, organized, ready to show Her people the road to salvation, and... the knock informed Her that Her visitors have reached the doors of Her bedchamber.

"Councilors Bilir, Kh'Everst and Arabat Flamesoul the Fourth have arrived, Your Majesty".

"Arabat. What the devil brings him here? He should be at the Pier..." - the Empress did not even have time to fetch the irony behind Her councilor's demonic origin as She announced in a high measured voice: "Do let them in."
Туристы домой просто возвращаются
точно. ждем кучу не подписанных мультов
Гастарбайтеры не за горами;)
для Phoenix333:
Ты уж поверь, тебя никто не понял
для Phoenix333:
Да ладно!? Вот это новость!
для Phoenix333:

Привет, слоупок!
для Phoenix333:
Ты уж поверь, тебя никто не понял
я даже тебе помогу. Ок?
императрицу комовскою по миру пустят
ну или по кругу)
Про новость:

Все, что я из этого понял это то, что тамошний Her пришел к Императрице и скзал ей, что мол вулкан растет, что будем делать?!! Она ему и говорит: - Эвакуируем всей к чертовой бабушке
для Bender53252:
у нас ( и у них) из новостей нужно читать только последнее предложение. Ну любят сказками кормить админы. Так что там сказка ещё долгой будет Штук пять новостей напишут, а потом и замутят гейм овер
для Инесса:
Не все.. Новость в стиле вода (как последняя) у них чаще.
для DartNyan:
Не будет объединения,ну если и будет то ждать этого не скоро
Ну че ЖДЕМ нолики?
К списку тем
2007-2024, онлайн игры HeroesWM