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АвторSeduction error
At the end of the battle chieftains were seduced for 0.7 turns with an initiative of 18.1 , 10/18.1=0.5524 ,even if you take the ceil to 0.6, it's still within the time ,but why wasn't it with me on the next turn?
есть же ветка с проблемными боями
I don't think it's an error but a logical explanation if someone can tell.
Язык ГВД русский
если хотите на английском
вам на лорды
на аглицком
в ВИП нельзя
[Сообщение удалено смотрителем Draconem // ]
для 1234qwer:

You have contacted the wrong section of the forum


P.S.:the problem needs to be described in Russian
для 1234qwer:
If you don't know Russian, use Google Translate
[Сообщение удалено смотрителем Draconem // ]
для 1234qwer:
Of course you would have second move, but your succubi were killed
[Сообщение удалено смотрителем Draconem // ]
[Сообщение удалено смотрителем Draconem // ]
[Сообщение удалено смотрителем Draconem // ]
Игрок забанен смотрителем Draconem до 2052-08-01 11:32:27 //
для Мария Хуановна:
Read second post, and show me the official thread where it's written that I can't post in English in queries and help section.
post 9 is right
3 were killed after casting seduction
для 1234qwer:
It's in the rules of heroeswm.ru that official language is russian
Of course you would have second move, but your succubi were killed
+ that is right
Thanks, i didn't notice that.
для 1234qwer:

Sorry, I didn't study the rules of the game carefully (2.5.1.rules of communication on the forum)
К списку тем
2007-2025, онлайн игры HeroesWM