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АвторНарушение правил доп персонажей
CrazySmash[20] Основа https://www.heroeswm.ru/pl_info.php?id=2414507

Нарушение правил доп персонажей

-Spice-Boy- [10] доп

06-03-17 01:58: Оплачено 100 золота (100/д) за аренду комнаты #6 до 01:57 07-03, дом #314 (владелец: BangFire)

Нельзя допом снимать комнаты
3.13.7. Дополнительным персонажам запрещено иметь любые отношения с домами - покупать/продавать (в том числе делать на них ставки на рынке), снимать комнаты и т.д.

Lord WinLider [12] доп

Нельзя допом брать арты в аренду
3.13.4. Дополнительные персонажи не могут брать и сдавать любые предметы в аренду у любых игроков.

10-09-11 22:24: Received item(s): 'Amulet of luck' [9/25] to be returned until 15-09-11 18:24 ; for 9 battles from CrazyLuffy . Transaction price: 396 Gold
10-09-11 22:23: Received item(s): 'Leather boots' [14/30] to be returned until 15-09-11 18:23 ; for 14 battles from CrazyLuffy . Transaction price: 490 Gold
10-09-11 22:23: Received item(s): 'Leather helmet' [14/30] to be returned until 15-09-11 18:23 ; for 14 battles from CrazyLuffy . Transaction price: 336 Gold
10-09-11 22:22: Received item(s): 'Leather harness' [14/30] to be returned until 15-09-11 18:22 ; for 14 battles from CrazyLuffy . Transaction price: 686 Gold
10-09-11 22:21: Received item(s): 'Reprisal sword' [24/40] to be returned until 15-09-11 18:21 ; for 14 battles from CrazyLuffy . Transaction price: 504 Gold
10-09-11 22:21: Received item(s): 'Defender shield' [24/40] to be returned until 15-09-11 18:21 ; for 14 battles from CrazyLuffy . Transaction price: 476 Gold
07-09-11 21:02: Received item(s): 'Reprisal sword' [37/40] to be returned until 08-09-11 17:02 ; for 1 battles from CrazyLuffy . Transaction price: 36 Gold
07-09-11 21:02: Received item(s): 'Defender shield' [37/40] to be returned until 08-09-11 17:02 ; for 1 battles from CrazyLuffy . Transaction price: 34 Gold
07-09-11 21:01: Received item(s): 'Leather boots' [27/30] to be returned until 08-09-11 17:01 ; for 1 battles from CrazyLuffy . Transaction price: 35 Gold
07-09-11 21:01: Received item(s): 'Leather helmet' [27/30] to be returned until 08-09-11 17:01 ; for 1 battles from CrazyLuffy . Transaction price: 24 Gold
07-09-11 21:01: Received item(s): 'Leather harness' [27/30] to be returned until 08-09-11 17:01 ; for 1 battles from CrazyLuffy . Transaction price: 17 Gold
07-09-11 21:00: Received item(s): 'Amulet of luck' [22/25] to be returned until 08-09-11 17:00 ; for 1 battles from CrazyLuffy . Transaction price: 44 Gold
Дополнительная информация про нарушия правил игры допа Lord WinLider [12]

24-12-11 21:30: Transferred item(s): 'Master hunter ring of dexterity' [3/10] to be returned until 25-12-11 17:30 ; for 1 battles to CrazyLuffy . Transaction price: 300 Gold, Commission: 3
02-01-12 22:23: Received item(s): 'Master hunter ring of dexterity' [6/10] to be returned until 03-01-12 18:23 ; for 1 battles from CrazyLuffy . Transaction price: 300 Gold
10-10-12 21:32: Transferred item(s): 'Leather jackboots' [14/14] to be returned until 11-10-12 17:32 ; for 1 battles to invincibl_e . Transaction price: 20 Gold, Commission: 1
10-10-12 21:31: Transferred item(s): 'Reprisal sword' [2/40] to be returned until 11-10-12 17:31 ; for 1 battles to invincibl_e . Transaction price: 40 Gold, Commission: 1
10-10-12 21:30: Transferred item(s): 'Ring of dexterity' [10/10] to be returned until 11-10-12 17:30 ; for 1 battles to invincibl_e . Transaction price: 20 Gold, Commission: 1
10-10-12 21:30: Transferred item(s): 'Ring of dexterity' [10/10] to be returned until 11-10-12 17:30 ; for 1 battles to invincibl_e . Transaction price: 20 Gold, Commission: 1
10-10-12 21:29: Transferred item(s): 'Leather harness' [30/30] to be returned until 11-10-12 17:29 ; for 1 battles to invincibl_e . Transaction price: 50 Gold, Commission: 1
10-10-12 21:29: Transferred item(s): 'Leather helmet' [30/30] to be returned until 11-10-12 17:29 ; for 1 battles to invincibl_e . Transaction price: 25 Gold, Commission: 1
10-10-12 21:29: Transferred item(s): 'Amulet of luck' [25/25] to be returned until 11-10-12 17:29 ; for 1 battles to invincibl_e . Transaction price: 45 Gold, Commission: 1

А такенарушил ещё 1 правило,снял комнату
3.13.7. Дополнительным персонажам запрещено иметь любые отношения с домами - покупать/продавать (в том числе делать на них ставки на рынке), снимать комнаты и т.д.

30-01-17 02:30: Оплачено 100 золота (100/д) за аренду комнаты #2 до 02:29 31-01, дом #259 (владелец: Sheyne)
тема закрыта by Lexa (2024-07-08 12:29:47)
К списку тем
2007-2025, онлайн игры HeroesWM